MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > When they make a movie about the Trump/R...

When they make a movie about the Trump/Russia scandal...

In a few years, they will make a movie about this.
Think of how many movies have been made about Watergate!
Cast your ideal dramatic adaptation.
Who should play Bob Mueller?
Who should play Christopher Steele?
Actually i think Steele needs his own movie.
He's an ex British spy with a total James Bond-ish name.
STEEELE. Christopher Steele.
He's not bad looking either.
I could see Colin Firth playing him.


Colin Firth is apt!


I changed my mind. Christopher Steele would be best played by Colin Farrell.


Edward Herrmann should play Mueller. He has an oblong face. He plays the part of a lawyer quite a bit.


Good pick! he has a certain gravitas.


Hermann has been dead for a couple of years now.


That only adds to the gravitas.


Movie-making Star Wars style!




It will have to be fiction...

Normally, when a crime is committed a search begins for the criminal. The Democrats have assigned Trump as the criminal but there's no crime to fit it to.

The only votes that were fraudulent in the last election were from heavily Democratic districts that had *more* than 100 percent turnout...

Vote early, vote often, vote even when you're dead...


The movie is not about the votes. It's about the investigation, like "All the President's Men".


The investigation that goes on and on without a shred of evidence to justify it.


It's about the investigation...

Let's find a crime before we start a witch hunt. This is kind of like looking for the bank robber when there is no money missing. Anyone who would pay to see a movie about a bunch of delusionals fabricating for a reason the election was lost and totally dismissing the real cause..


This isn't a political thread. I'm not going to debate that stuff with you. I disagree 100% and lets leave it at that.
This is a "cast your own movie" thread.


Oliver Stone directs
