1, Snickers or Kit Kats? Kit Kats!
2,Traditional witch, or Sexy? I was once a sexy witch at a party.... I prefer the traditional! Margaret Hamilton was the BEST!
3, Trick OR... Treat? I prefer a TREAT! Anyone care to share a TRICK????
4, Costume.... rented, or put together at home? I like putting a costume together! It's more fun and creative.
5, Exorcist or Night of the Living Dead? I like both, but for Halloween? Night of the Living Dead.
6, Favorite costume you ever wore? HIPPY! I had the bell bottom jeans, the tie dyed shirt, the heart shaped wire rimmed glasses and the Peace Signs everywhere!
7, Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, OR... Zombies? DRACULA! I think he is the BEST!
8,Going out to a party OR staying home to pass out treats while watching scary movies? I like staying home and passing out the candy. I have done the party thing. That's enough!
9, All Time Favorite Scary Movie To Watch On Halloween? There are so many that I love, but I choose Halloween 3, Season of the Witch. Great Fun!!!!
10, Your best Halloween? Spill it!.....
I have enjoyed so many...... My best is all of those years when we took our son out to Trick or Treat. Planning the costume was so much fun, but getting him ready and going out with his cousins and friends was the best!