MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Movie DB... do you use it?

The Movie DB... do you use it?

Before I heard of this place, I heard of

What I didn't like is that every board was a clean slate. I started a thread saying that everyone needs to put up posts on movies they know just to get the ball rolling. It helped.

But then I found this place, with its imported messages from IMDB (except actors) I think it made people more inclined to respond to a post or start their own.

But I don't want themoviedb to die, so I still post there, and if I want to look up the cast of a movie, because I have boycotted imdb, I will search in google 'cast (movie name) Google brings it right up so I don't have to look far.

Anyway, do you use the page?


the site is cluttered hence I gave up on it months ago.


When IMDb closed the boards. I was sad. All I used it for was the boards.

For months - I had nothing!

Then I found another site - they had grabbed the IMDb boards database - even made a plugin so you could add the boards back to IMDb - but there just werent enough members to talk.

Now I have this place and I use and it’s great!! I just read posts mainly. But it’s like old times again :)

Fuck IMDb and their amazon overlords



On new release movies, they have some decent traffic but nothing compared to IMDB when a new release would have 20 posts an hour.

What I hated about IMDB however is that they'd delete posts and some movie pages only went back a 18 months, despite 15 years of posts. I hope that this page doesn't delete messages.
