How good will Blade Runner 2049 be?
Will it be lifeless? There's a chance. Whenever artists put as much focus on aesthetics as you hear Villeneuve and company are putting into the new movie, you've got to be a little concerned. I believe in the original's greatness and I believe Villeneuve has world class talent, so I've been excited for over two years now. Hopefully I'm not in for a letdown.
That said, Arrival fell short for me. It bothered me when Amy Adam's character miraculously stole the military personnel's cell phone and spoke to China's prime minister about his dying wife's words in order to save the world. Like, how did she steal the cell phone? And why, out of all the things she could have said to the prime minister, would she choose his wife's dying words as the key to world peace? She could have told him about the mole on his left testicle, right? Or the secret ingredient to the barbecue sauce he makes for his family every Thanksgiving? I just don't understand why the plot would hinge on such an extraneous piece of logic. Feels contrived.
Anyways, this post is really about Blade Runner 2049. Do you believe?