I'm getting sick of sites banning user comments like IMDb did. Now Msn.com has "temporarily" eliminated the comments section. Well, guess what, even if I don't comment on all of these sites, I read the comments sections more than the actual articles, because I know the comments will show a differing point of view, and I like debate and discussion. I am done with any site that restricts comments. They will tell you they are stopping comments sections because of trolls, but all it means is not everyone agrees with their narrative and whatever agenda they are pushing. I see all of these articles written by pathetic bloggers happy about comments sections being shut down on websites, mostly because no one can call them out on their bullshit anymore. I hope these sites banning comments sections and discussion from their websites completely tank. Not everyone is going to agree with you. There will be differing opinions. As for trolls saying "mean things" that hurt the easily offended...just like a kid scared of a monster in the closet...if you ignore it, it will take away it's power, and it will go away. Quit being so spineless. Unfortunately "mean things" are going to be said in life. It happens. You can't "ban" the comments section in the real world. You either ignore it, or tell them to fuck off. Banning comments is not the answer. It shows your site as a thin skinned propaganda pusher that can't handle opposing points of view. Msn.com is a joke of a news site, and the only good thing about it was the comments. So now, just like with IMDb, I'm done with your site MSN, and I hope many more people are as well. You will never stop people from having a voice and a conversation.
Wasn't it Yahoo news that banned comments at one point, but when people stopped visiting their web page, they restored comments section? Maybe Msn is experimenting to see how much traffic they will lose without comments, and if they lose too much, they'll restore them as well.
I stopped visiting news sites that don't allow comments cause their news are mostly one-sided propaganda and without comments there's no one to call them on their bullshit.
If sites continue to do this, it's a huge problem for the Internet. People want to be heard. Nothing quite like silencing peoples' voices and opinions when they differ from yours, using the troll argument as a scapegoat for cutting out opposing viewpoints. It's extremely pathetic and sad. The media has disgusted me for a long time now...you sadly just can't trust a word that anyone says anymore. There's always a motive. Journalistic integrity is long dead. I don't know if there's a way back from how far journalism has fallen.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. will always provide a place for people to be heard. Comment system is just not bringing enough profit anymore because of the social media sites dominating everything.
Most people will just choose to make a comment in their Facebook's page or on Twitter. Nobody but the hardest core of commenter will want to create an account, provide email, solving captchas just to put a comment nowadays. That's why comment section is almost always filled with trolls, they are the ones that has enough motivation to tackle all the inconveniences.
On all of these sites there were tons of comments every day on every article. I'd read the comments at work during lunch. So apparently some people still like to comment on the actual articles on the websites. They get rid of message boards for political reasons. Has nothing to do with trolls. The whole "troll" situation has become one of the funniest things in the world today. Why the hell cant people ignore them? It's so simple. I can't believe how personally people take things that trolls say. You actually see people literally crying over what random strangers say on the internet. I will never understand it. How fragile some people have become.
Yeah, i see. However, I'm not too sure about political reasons though. They are business. They have boards and shareholders. They can't just make a decission based on someone's political whim. Maybe on sites owned by a private company. But on a publicly traded company? I doubt it.
Maybe they just want to see growth. People who comment on those site specific comment section usually are long time members. Corporations today are crazy about evergrowing everything. If something is stagnant or only slightly growing they'll unplug the cord.
Facebook is definitely replacing them. It keeps on growing and growing, while comment sections are not going to grow anymore. It's sad, I know. But facebook gives people what they actually want. They can vent their frustations and get friends and relatives pat their backs. Or in Facebook's term... "Like" them. Negative or different opinions can easily be deleted and the person "unfriended." Give it enough time and it will filter all the opposing views to even ever reach them.
This is what people want. Comment section does not provide this. They are not growing anymore. Corporations only care about growths. Stagnations look bad on reports. They got shut down.
Every time they shut down comments I think "wow how sensitive you are." I mean you know those a-holes irl that just can't handle an opposing view/funny comment/etc....they EXPLODE. They quickly lose friends, alienate themselves, possibly lose their jobs, have difficult times making friends/having healthy relationships etc...
They become known as 'difficult' people. But the people that CAN take a joke, something in jest, or an opposing view are conversely seen as level headed people. Understanding, kind, intelligent, educated, worldly, and have a good scope of what they SHOULD be worried about.
I also think, did some young dumb people take over the company, and got all pc? "Comments are mean therefore we must get rid of them." Thin skin indeed. I also know about capitalism. And yeah there are server costs to run comments. But it's text, Text docs barely take up any room. And for a big company it's not that big a deal. Like a store adding merchandise to their store, they just cram it in. They don't pay extra rent, etc. It's all included in their operations.
They look at the comments, all negative think it's bad for business and get rid of it, WRONG MOVE. Reminds me of one of my first crummy jobs working at a mall. The IDIOT boss commented on why people did not spend more money at their store. WELL it was because not only did they get rid of the seating areas IN the mall but also IN their store. People felt, oh I don't know, UNWELCOME!!!! So they leave. Some malls are wising up and offering lots of free crap to customers to KEEP them in the mall and keep them shopping. Why so many malls are suffering/shutting down. They eliminate 'extra costs' stupidly. And just end up shooting themselves in the foot. IDIOTS!
The cost of a comments section is not in the server space, or even the bandwidth. Comments sections increase the page views because people will keep coming back to read replies to their comments, compared to an article without comments, you just read it once, then there's no reason to go back to it. And more page views means more ad impressions.
The cost in the manpower to moderate it. Now granted, the community managers are usually the lowest paid people on the company payroll, they make a fraction of an engineer's salary, but it's still usually the first thing they cut when they are trying to meet a budget. They'll lay off people making 40k a year and hire more engineers for 200k a year.
Good points. I feel like they always target the little guy, since that is how the world works. A company loses money? Should the people at the top limit themselves to 5 yachts instead of 10? Nope, let's just fire the people at the bottom. So that before when we had 10 people working somewhere, we make one person do all the work. Treat them like crap, yell at them, blame them that they are not working hard enough, etc...
Yes the problem with business/capitalism, is that it is based on slavery still. Reduce cost (have people do tough jobs for next to little pay) increase profits (more yachts for them). It's pretty sick, that I see people who actually work harder and get paid less. Sad. I know people will say 'well that's to motivate people to get an education bla bla bla...' well, not all people are gifted with a brilliant mind. You remember school 90% of students could barely add!
Reminds me of one of my first crummy jobs, there was an employee that bragged that at their other job they worked less and were paid more. I'm sure that you need more education to be an engineer than a moderator. And sure reward educations. But we have to remember that good help is hard to find. Imo a moderator's job is tough to sift though comment after comment and throw out the insane sh!t. It's also kind of tough mentally to deal with such disgusting stuff sometimes. I know I see some bad things, even with moderators. What would things look like without them!? I think you should get paid for the work you do. And yeah for the education you have, your 'worth'. But yeah I agree it's just stupid.
I also think the firing has to so with 'the other' mentality. The people at the top love to rub elbows with their rich friends. So easy to look down on the less paid people and get rid of them. Sometimes I have the opinion that the higher ups are friends and they don't get fired for this reason....
So that before when we had 10 people working somewhere, we make one person do all the work.
First step is lay off all permanent full time community manager positions and hire "independent contractors" to replace them, which don't get any benefits or PTO or health care.
Second step is cut the contractor moderation/community manager positions in half (or reduce their contracted hours), and make the remaining people just absorb the extra work. (for no additional money)
Third step is cut all community managers and delete the comments/forums sections.