MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > UPDATE!! The Ignore feature

UPDATE!! The Ignore feature

Update--your profile now has a list showing who you have ignored, and you can reverse that action! Thank you, Jim!

Forgive me if there's a better place to post this (and then let me know!) -- are there any planned changes to that feature at this time?

As I understand it, when I ignore another user, that can effectively block an entire section of a thread which they've posted in, not just their responses. So if someone is posting in a way that I don't want to see (but isn't violating anything enough to warrant a ban), and they happen to be in nearly every thread/forum I go ignore them would effectively cut off the site for me.

I'd just try it out to see what happens, but I don't think at this time we can reverse putting someone on ignore.


As far as I know it's still not reversible and yes it can block almost entire threads.
Careful how you use it.


Goodness. In this situation it would just obliterate most of what I've been reading (not in a good way in terms of ignoring just the one user). I had hoped that some tweaks had been made to that function. Thank you.


Yes I agree it needs tweaking because you may well want to participate with other posters in a thread.

I suppose you have to decide if you can ignore a user without using the button and I know it's very difficult to do that if the user is particularly jarring.


I'm fine with the effects of the ignore feature because I'm really not interested in reading an entire conversation that has the person I ignored participating in.


If a reply thread stuck strictly to the original topic, I think I could go with that, but I've seen a lot where more good info was shared further down (some of it about something else entirely). If any tweaks are going to be made, I would respectfully like to see the Ignore feature only eliminate comments by the user that was Ignored, not anyone else. I appreciate all that is done here for users, but that would be something I would like.


I understand what you mean but sometimes the poster who's chatting with the ignored poster will quote them. I don't wanna read a quote from the person I ignored either.


That's certainly a good point about quoting. It's a shame though because an Ignored person may end up commenting in the Trivia forum, and then any replies in the thread as we search for answers to a crazy mystery will be lost. Makes it really hard to participate, especially since Ignoring can't be reversed. That's certainly not a typical situation, but apt.


I understand your concern. The ignore feature is strict. That's why a message pops up to warn you that placing a person on ignore is permanent. I have no regrets whatsoever. Trivia just isn't that important enough for me to be effected by the jerks that I wisely placed on ignore. I don't care to read anything that the ignored person says. So when I place someone on ignore, I mean that I'm ignoring them and their entire conversation.


And, regrettably, it also ends up making you ignore other people that you never intended to ignore, and there's nothing in the warning message about that happening. Perhaps expanding that warning would be a good idea. Someone else has given me a contact email to pass on further suggestions, and that seems like the best idea going forward.


Oh boohoo. It's not going to change though because the owner of this site intentionally made the ignore function to work just like it does FOR GOOD REASON.
Therefore he's probably not going to change it to the way you want it.

Besides, that trivia board is dead. Nobody hardly posts there so you're not missing anything. Also, another option is to not using the ignore feature. That way you don't have to worry about missing something that "may or not" be important conversations the person you have on ignore is participating in.

As for me, I'm loving this ignore feature. Lol


There's a way around it anyway. Just read the board while logged out and you'll see all.


I think that he wants to be a part of the discussion that the ignored poster is in.


In a way you still can be. Just copy and paste what you're replying to into a reply window somewhere else on the a part of the thread that's not blocked. Preferably into a reply window of the person you want to speak to. I know it's a pain in the ass, but that's the only option for now.


I had hoped that some tweaks had been made to that function. Thank you.

Nope, not yet. Maybe Jim the site owner is working on it, maybe not. But he does encourage us to email him with any questions, concerns, and suggestions. Please drop him a line about your concern at: [email protected]


Thank you so much for that -- I'll definitely do that this weekend.


As I understand it, when I ignore another user, that can effectively block an entire section of a thread which they've posted in, not just their responses.

Correct lasteven. I only blocked a few people, and it seems as if I miss out on half the postings here. And yes, there currently is no way to unblock someone. My advice is not to use it until the bugs are worked out, and it doesn’t look like that will happen anytime soon. If I come across a poster that I find objectionable, I basically mentally block them by hitting the back button without bothering to read their post.


It blocks pretty much everything down from what they posted. If I make a comment on a thread and someone replies to it and I ignore them, it will take down everything from that comment. Your comment will still be there; however, all the "ignorees" comments will disappear as well as your responses to them. I am not sure if it also takes out anyone else who had replied to that exchange.

If the ignoree comments on your thread and you comment back to them, it will delete all those posts and even the ignoree. It will be as if he/she has not commented at all.


In the one situation I was personally involved with, using Ignore did also take out any replies by others (not ignored) who replied. If all replies were strictly on topic, that might be one thing, but I've seen plenty of threads where replies wandered and often became very interesting, and about things completely different from what the Ignored party was discussing.

It seems that, if you Ignore one person, it can end up having a much wider effect than you might want. Replies to Ignored parties can still be of a lot of interest. It seems kinda nuclear in scope.


Yeah, it pretty much is. My next suggestion is to make a quick and easy change to the button's label into "nuke the shit of this guy and everyone beneath him," instead of "ignore."

It's quite lenghty, but nonetheless clearer.




And, what's worse, is that if the ignored person replies to any of your posts, you will still receive a notification about it. 😕


Basically, we would like an ignore button like the one IMDb had!
Or perhaps an unfollow button like FB.


A total block button like Facebook had. Both parties get blocked from seeing each other and only comments from them are invisible. That would be my #1 upgraded feature.


Bump for the update. Your profile now has an ignore list and those selections can be reversed.


This "ignore button" craze on social media has to be one of the funniest things I've ever heard about. I hope one day at least some of society will start growing a spine back. It's great how offended and hurt people can get by a random stranger on the internet, to the point where they will click a button so they can't see what this person says anymore because it is so soul crushing and devastating to have someone swear or have a different opinion. Grow a backbone for fuck's sake. Getting into arguments and debates about movies used to be fun. People take everything so seriously now.

"Oh hey, now I can ignore anyone who has a different opinion than myself instead of engaging in an intelligent discussion, and I can always be right."

"Oh, this person said a mean word to me, now I can ignore them and it will be like it never happened. I'm fragile."

"I'll show you...I'll just ignore you on a message board. That will teach you to mess with me. You'll never be able to get over the fact that I don't want to talk to you anymore."

I'll keep chatting about movies. Everybody else have fun putting people on "Ignore".


I'm with you! (My concerns were just about the Ignore feature having a kind of nuclear effect that it wasn't clear it would have because the warning message wasn't a full explanation. But the great thing about software is that it can be tweaked and refined.)

Do you have other forums you enjoy posting on? (You mention liking movie debates and chatting about movies, but you only have a few posts.) I enjoy moviechat a lot, but am always looking for other forums that cover movies and television. Any recommendations would be great.


I'm not able to post as much as I used to unfortunately. Every once in a while I'll get some downtime and am able to post some comments. Now sadly mostly it's from a topic that catches my attention for the wrong reasons as opposed to a movie that I want to talk about, lol. I've always loved reading comments sections and debating about different things, mostly movies, and I hate how now websites are taking them all down because there are differing views and opinions and people can't simply not respond to obvious troll posts.

I'm stubborn, haha, so I haven't been on Imdb since they removed the message boards. I will never go back either unless there is some form of social communication. That one really pissed me off. I loved talking about movies on there! Now the news site deleted the comments section, so I haven't been on that site at all either.

I think this site has some potential though! At least until people get too involved in censoring people instead of enjoying themselves and talking about movies. I don't know of many other sites out there. I usually find one and stick with it. Imdb was my place to go, and then people mentioned this one after the boards were closed there, so I deleted my imdb account and added my account on here. I love how they kept a lot of the old posts!

Have a good one!


I agree with you, but the Ignore function is still useful for spam posters. I haven't seen it yet here, but on the IMDb boards you'd get posters who would deliberately post numerous threads of essential gibberish just to clutter the board and push relevant threads off the front page.


Definitely--I only used it at IMDB for spammers. I remember some boards where you had to wade and wade to find anything that was remotely relevant to the movie/show.
