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I used to love trump

I'm sick of hearing about him, I hate my prime minister !


Trump is not a prime minister, he is the president. Presidents have less power than prime ministers.


Don't automatically assume everyone is American. Varadero8 is from the UK. He hates his own country's PM.
He is also sick of hearing about Trump. Because even in other countries, Trump is in the news a lot because he cray. Cray sells papers.


I'm in the UK too.
Trump is most definitely cray cray.I compare it to the Reagan years when we couldn't quite b-leve you guys had elected an actor.
Me? Well I hate Tony Blair,I'd like to see his smug head swinging with a rope attached to it.
I hate the benefit culture and 24 hr gambling/drinking culture he introduced. I hate his support of an illegal war.I hate the false promise he gave to the NHS and Education system and families.He let down the working class.
It's important that I hate Blair.
I also hate his horrible wife.
I kinda like Jeremy Corbyn though,he gives me hope.


Reagan was terrible but at least he had been a governor first (a terrible governor) and had some idea of how government works. He was kind of a puppet for his party at the time because he spoke well and had a likeable persona, He could read lines off a teleprompter and make it seem sincere. He was an actor after all. But he let experienced (and crooked) advisors make most decisions. His Alzheimers was already starting while he was in office, but it was covered up because he wasn't tweeting nonsense at 3 am. he knew when to keep his pie hole shut.
And in the years since, he's become this mythological figure to some of his party who either forget or ignore the DOZENS of scandals and indictments during his administration. His legacy has been so whitewashed that most young people who were not alive then think he was a great president.

Trump doesn't have a clue how government works, he breaks laws and rules every time he turns around because he is just so freaking ignorant. He thinks it's like being a CEO where you can just do whatever you want. He "thought it would be easier". Who knew health care was so complicated? Who knew the North Korea issue was so complicated?
Actually pretty much everyone but Trump knew that! But he is just now finding out these things are complicated.
if you look up Dunning Kruger syndrome in a dictionary there is a picture of Trump. So dumb he doesn't even realize how much he does not know.
Is there anyone in the world with two brain cells to rub together who thinks being president is easy?
