Depression, had it for years
I just deal with it, I work , try to keep busy. But I'm really messed up.I work mostly nites, sleep too much. Sit in my room too much, surf, listen to music. Then go to work or just bounce around town using WiFi. I stopped dating women years ago. They cause me too much anxiety. I deactivated Facebook for 2 weeks. Just went back on, I hate it now. It's a waste , deactivated again. Anyone else stuck ? I would rather work and help ppl. I'm still
Fucked up though,lol. Just ditched a few life sucking , toxic friends ! My happiness comes in brief moments. I also realize everyone has their own crap, and gives no fawks about anybody. I'm like that too. Ppl are fake and real all at the same time. Ppl are assclowns, avoid most. I'm down to 1 friend. It's easier, etc.