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Facebook typing letters keeps deleting ?

Anytime I want to type anything on face book via my tablet through my status, letters keep deleting ? Any fixes , try different browsers, no help !


I installed a different keyboard, google sucks


Before you post something ,check what you wrote,maybe you type too fast.


No, my tablet is fucked !


Then change it😉


Do you know how much a tablet goes for now days? Do you know how much the average middle class job pays now days? Do you know how much of a middle class income is spent on leisure alone?

Even after recognizing these expenditures, do you still think he has the ability to just replace a tablet? Maybe Elvis Presley had enough money to replace every t.v. he shot into; however, the middle class American is struggling to pay the bills. They have no excess income to put towards a new tablet.


I know how much it cost a new tablet,i also know how much is a an average salary,i work hard for this,but hey, let me ask you something : i have an xbox one and you probably know how much expensive it is and you can't buy a tablet that it's more cheeper than an xbox one?


The economy is down, people are suffering, and struggling to pay for the four most essential expenditures: shelter, utilities, food, and any expenses with a car. After that, you have credit card bills that are just for helping to supplement costs that cannot just be paid for cash because of the outrageous inflation of the four essentials above. Not to mention, everyone has a fear of losing their jobs at a drop of a coin and you think it is easy to somehow pay for a tablet? Man, I have a cell phone that I wish I never had because it is just eating up my income. We should all be looking for ways to spend less and save more. The wages are not going up, but everything else is.


You're absolutly right, arvin, i live in romania,so i know what you mean😉



Oh. Yeah Romania is doing better than the U.S. My bad.


Better!?i work for 300€ for month,for god sake😒


So you make that much and you still have to buy an xbox? That xbox could have been $ spent on food and just a general savings, in case of emergencies.


No,how can i say in english...from the entire 300€ that xbox is,i pay a little ratio every month,not saying the other things that i pay from the salary that i take each month,it's hard,but i do what i can to.sustein my family,but sometimes it's not enough.


Your written English is actually not bad. Other than some grammatical errors in more recent replies, your first few posts to Varadero never gave away you were foreign. Are you using an internet translator?


No,i learn english from tv.When i was younger,i've watched on tv some doccumenta ries,some of them without subtitles,because they didn't work sometimes,so i had to adapt.As Lara says : " I'm a fast learner."quot;😉


I have had that happen multiple times on Word. This usually happens when I leave a computer on for long periods of time. When I had used a desktop, growing up and laptop, throughout college; I would have it to where space bar would magically delete letters. Say if I wanted to edit a word and then press space bar, it would delete letters after it. To this day, I still do not know if this setting can actually be used for something useful or it is an actual computer glitch.


That happens to me a lot when I'm using the desktop version of Facebook on my tablet. When it happens, I switch to the mobile version and then I'm able to type my status without a glitch.
