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Friends toxic ppl

Just had friend block me from Facebook? Did me a favour, drama and bs all the time. Another one realised I blocked them on my new account, cause he posts inappropriate stuff. I haven't talk to the one in awhile. He text me says, I'm done with you. I don't respond. In a way I'm glad. It's exhausting. I'm tired of ppl taking things personal too.


I never could understand why people take that so seriously. They should try being "friends" with people in the real world.
I know people who have their whole lives plastered on Facebook though. It never ceases to amaze me.


We were friends, just stuff I'm sick of. Ppl bring drama to me, it's exhausting !


I get that you were friends. Why aren't you friends now? Is it simply because you blocked this friend?


Created new account because of him. He is sensitive ! He posts my personal stuff on my wall


Maybe they were the ones prank calling you all the time. lol


1 or 2 of em


1 or 2 of em, both compulsive liars.


The one is nuts !


This is why Facebook is almost totally pointless, IMO
