That's interesting! I've never before met anyone who's an atheist, yet goes to church, sings hymns, and celebrates religious holidays.
I too celebrate religious holidays, partly out of childhood tradition, partly because I'll celebrate just about any holiday. Although I'm Jewish, I do have a menorah, and light the candles at Hanukkah, along with getting a Christmas tree and decorating it. I enjoy that kind of thing, and it sounds like you do too, so why not?
About aliens, I met a friend of a friend -- both reliable and truthful sorts of people, not given to fancy or overactive imaginations -- who very reluctantly told me about his Encounter of the First Kind, and only did it because our mutual friend urged him to. It was an unpleasant experience for him, and it was evident in his face and voice as he told it. He certainly seemed credible to me. I've also read about and seen any number of other seemingly very credible people (military personnel and sometime high ranking but retired, law enforcement, and others) tell their stories, and they are compelling. I find it difficult to believe all of these people are either lying, or victims of their imagination. But, as I said, my inner jury is still out.
War movies are frightening. Not the Hollywood glamorized movies that were so popular after WWII and well into the 1950s, but the ones that portray what war is really like.