Which do you prefer?
The antici........pation of waiting a week for the next episode, or binge watching a series?
shareThe antici........pation of waiting a week for the next episode, or binge watching a series?
Both. There are some shows I would love to binge watch but it would be disastrous for my real life so thank God they only show broadcast one a week. My husband and I didn't watch The Wire when it was on HBO so we ended up renting them from Netflix when it was only DVDs. There were many nights when we were up till all hours and we both had to work in the morning. "Just one more episode!" That show is so good. Others, I do like others, the mini-binge. I think we watched the entire House of Cards season 1 in one weekend.
shareI have to binge watch The Wire again sometime. Was a great show.
shareBinge, definitely. I'm always a season behind everyone else because I wait til it's released on DVD and watch eps back to back.
shareWaiting for the entire season to be released๐