Stop eating meat; Post-Carnivorism is the next evolutionary step
stop killing animals. They are sentient beings with a consciousness, and they deserve to exist!
stop killing animals. They are sentient beings with a consciousness, and they deserve to exist!
I don't care if you're trolling!! I agree with you completely. I believe animals deserve to exist, much more than we do ! Humanity has pillaged and raped the earth for as long as it has been able to. We don't deserve this beautiful planet.
shareWhat if i am not trolling? What if i am indulging in meta-trolling/post-trolling/pre-trolling per se?
Post-Carnivorism is the next evolutionary step we must all take. Stop making innocent animals suffer.
Stop killing and eating plants too! They are also living beings with a consciousness:
Water drinking is bad too, because there is for sure millions of bacteria and other tiny cute insects being needlessly terminated as we greedily swallows them or slaughter them in our evil water filtration systems.
Eating sand should be the only choice for true caring and life-honoring people.
Sure Why not start eating humans too? Cannibalism ftw
Aborted fetuses are so tasty. Living new borns are even tastier! We won't even need graveyards anymore. No more body disposal of the dead! Kill enemy combatants and prisoners and eat their tasty meat!
Eat your neighbor's kids! Eat their pets! Eat your own pets! Eat every living thing there is!
P.S. Don't hurt the sand particles. Don't hurt mother earth!