No worries flower, I just wanted to clarify everything for you as simple as possible because I realized you were having some difficulty understanding the full concept of it all and that it wasn't something that you, necessarily HAD to's just a tweak that people can use to place this site on IMDb in place of the old message boards, for those who still wanted to use IMDb and also wanted the convenience of the message boards being there too.
I totally understand how you could've gotten confused though...I haven't always been "computer savvy" either. We all learn new things everyday...especially when it has to do with computers! You're not lame, you're learning, so don't sell yourself short. 😊
If you ever DO decide to give it a whirl though, it's pretty easy to install (no downloads) and is nothing can uninstall anytime by simply deleting the extension or just disabling it. Also, if you ever use it, you STILL can view the site on the internet, as always, and not always have to go to IMDb to view it. It's purely just an option/tweak that no one HAS to's just for the "cool" factor...all in fun! 😄
Hmmm..."Out of the Furnace"...not sure if I've seen that one yet but I HAVE heard of sounds good! I love dark films as I am not much of a "chick-flick" gal either. The darker the better...horror is the name of the game for me! Thanks for mentioning it, will be checking it out. have a great day too and will see ya on the flip side! 😁