We must observe an honor code of conduct
If we are to function as a community, then it is imperative that we agree on what is unacceptable. Jim, I hold deep gratitude for your labor in maintaining the essence of the original forum and intend no disrespect. Simply, I wish to express concerns that I have about problematic policies from our previous setting that some people on here are considering replicating. I urge the staff of this board to not create a feature for ignoring others because that only encourages more bullying and offensive comments. It abets the belief in certain individuals that they are exempt from rules, and lessens the chance of sorting out disagreements. This board should be free of personal attacks including name calling and profanity, things that the former location has allowed, and it would be ideal for the latter to be banned altogether. A suggestion for the bewildering issue of disabled members is to apply the law that employers follow: those with conditions that do not prevent normal interaction with others are welcome, and those with conditions that do are not. On the Internet Movie Database there has been a young man with a very peculiar mental impairment that causes odd fixations, obnoxious outbursts, and repetitious speech, and an older woman with histrionic personality disorder who viciously harasses the majority of people whom she speaks to. Such actions are highly inappropriate and no one should be subject to those here. A discussion board should be a place where everyone can comfortably and civilly share thoughts. Instabilities may not be the faults of patients who bear ones, but those are certainly not ours either, and members should not be forced, at their expenses, to tolerate the side effects of others' anomalies. The worst problems on the first forum have been a lack of control and no discipline. Even the reporting option has never gotten anywhere because our last 'moderators' have always been notorious for neglecting complaints. We need to work together on these matters to ensure that MovieChat does not suffer the same fate that has met our predecessor. I would gladly moderate since I can easily spot abnormal behavior, but am afraid that it is currently not feasible. Complications make it impossible for me to be bound to a routine here, and it would be very unfair to all members if I only worked occasionally. Nevertheless, I have great value for our spectrum of connections to each other and hope to continue it in ways that surpass what we have been given elsewhere.