MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > New member here!

New member here!

So I guess I'm late to the party but I just found out that IMDb shut down the message boards. I read a few articles about it and apparently it's a pretty big deal, though if you're here I'm sure you already know.

Anyway a bit of googling brought me here and I have to say WOW! Whoever created this site is a genius. I'm usually a lurker on most forums but I'll try to post here more. Has anyone used the "Donate" feature? I don't have much money so would only give a few dollars, but curious if other people have contributed?


Haven't contributed but welcome to moviechat, great to see new people coming here.


Ha, yeah, you're late to the party if you just found out IMDB deleted their message boards. You're far from being alone in usually being and lurker but have chosen to de-lurk here. Many MC posters have said the same thing, and I thank all of your for de-lurking! Very nice to meet you.

I love this site, and all of the boards here which have only grown more active over the few weeks it's been open.

I haven't as yet used the donate feature, but plan to in the near future. I figure even a few dollars, if that's all you (one) can afford, will help keep this excellent site alive.

By the way, welcome!


Welcome! I am new too,,,just a few weeks in. Lots of great peeps here and Jim is doing an amazing job archiving IMDB threads for us...


Welcome, jump! The more the merrier!
