MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Taking my Girlfriend to the movies tonig...

Taking my Girlfriend to the movies tonight - what should we see?

I'm thinking one of the three:
1. Logan
2. Kong Skull Island
3. Get Out

We both like action and thrillers, but not too scary or horror.


Not Get Out. Toss up between the other 2. I'd personally go with Logan since Kong is relatively new and doesn't have too many reviews yet.


Get Out is really good but might be too scary.
So I would say Logan, it's getting really good reviews.


Hell yeah #46 of all time on IMDB, is it really that good?


I haven't seen it yet but maybe going tomorrow!


Ok, That's what I was leaning towards. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions since I completey forgot the entire Xmen story so I'll probably be posting here after haha.


I have not seen all the xmen movies or all the Wolverine movies. I am hoping it can stand on it's own.




I vote Logan, partially because that's the only one of those that I've seen, and it was really good.

EDIT: Also, Kong seems like it might be close to the horror genre. I went on the ride in Universal, if that counts. Lots of monsters, mainly weird dinosaur-like creatures and of course King Kong.


Kong was the one ride I didn't get to go on at Universal because it wasn't part of the Express pass and the line was 3 hours long :/

How long did you wait and was it worth it?


I don't actually remember how long we waited... I thought we used the Express pass thing, but I could be wrong. Maybe it was just shorter because we got into the park early by staying at a Universal hotel. I doubt it was more than an hour.

It was actually pretty intense. Not all that fast, but the special effects seemed rather realistic with the 3D glasses.


Kong for sure if it's date night.


I hear La La Land is good, it won an Oscar for best picture, (for 5 minutes)


Is that still in theaters? I thought it came out a while ago.


it's still showing in my town


Get Out is political BS

Logan will break her heart

my advice take her to see Kong Skull island
