MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > HEADS UP: Importing the Entire IMDB Arch...

HEADS UP: Importing the Entire IMDB Archive, so site may be down for a little while this weekend

Quick heads up - This weekend I'll be importing the entire IMDB archive that has been made public, so the site may be down for a little bit while that happens. The original content had limits of 9 replies per thread and skipped quite a few of the less popular movies/shows, but thanks to the archive that has been made public, we'll now have the full archive.

If the site goes down for a bit, don't panic - we'll have lots more content and archived posts soon!



Good to hear, I hope to see more sports posts back up with the old team.


Great news, thanks so much, many shows and movies had really good discussions going.


Good to know, I panic easily :)


Thanks for the warning, and keep up the good work!


I'll just echo everyone else's sentiments and say thank you for letting us know and, well...thank you, in general! Always happy to read of the updating going on ;)


Thank you Jim... I have noticed more traffic and new members here. The site is great and we will help spread the word. Thanks for the heads up, and updates.


THank you for speaking behalf of me. I am so turned on for this site.


I wonder how you will do this, because people have been posting replies in the 9-limit-post threads , even if, originally, those threads were a lot longer.
Guess you have a way of "completing" and not deleting and replacing the threads.
For me, MC was great as it was, but now it will be perfect :)
Thank you for everything you do for us.


I'm guessing that any threads that went past 9 posts will be overwritten?

So if we've posted on those in MovieChat, those posts will disappear?


Maybe it would be wise to copy such posts, just in case, and repost them later. Better safe than sorry.


Oh no, that sucks! I've been on a board that had no archives on them, but if they get imported does that now mean every single post on there that was started solely on MC will not exist?!


I hope not... I've posted on a few boards that started out with nothing, too. 😬


That'd be a bummer for all the effort folks have put into cultivating certain boards and what-knot. I hope Jim is able to find a way to merge the two.

Say it ain't so, Jim!


I am wondering about this too.

Also, what happens to those who started a discussion that had no threads? Now that the archived threads will return, will the recent MovieChat threads all be erased? Jim, if you have time, can you give us a quick update on this? Some people might need to save some of their posts.

But other than that, great work Jim! Thanks for everything.


Nothing will be deleted. Everything will be merged.

It's taking a bit longer than I expected because it's quite complex to merge all the new archived content with existing posts created here, but I've got it covered.


Great to hear! I'd have been willing to sacrifice the new posts to have the whole archive here, but even BETTER that the new posts will remain as well :D


I'm sorry it's harder or more work for you, but I very much appreciate that you're doing it this way! Thanks again!


I second that! 😃


That's awesome and good to know. I was even going to warn a well-known IMDB user named ecarle, who posts on the Hitchcock/classic movie boards a lot. He's already contributed a lot of long, thoughtful posts (as he did on IMDB) and I was worried all of his MovieChat contributions would be overwitten.

I don't know how people do this coding or HTML stuff (my brain would give up in 10 seconds) but you are a wizard, Jim!


Atomic, I built a website years ago and HTML can be a real pain...uuuugggghhhh!! 😣


Thanks again, Jim! You are brilliant!


"It's taking a bit longer than I expected because it's quite complex to merge all the new archived content with existing posts created here, but I've got it covered."

I must have built, modified or refurbished around 50 computers over the past few years, but I'm very weak on the programming end. So while this may be a dumb question, I had to ask: Did you have to create an algorithm in order to merge all the content you continually add to this site's preexisting content? I myself wouldn't even know where to begin to accomplish such an enormous task.


Doing that will basically make all the other archives no longer needed because this site will be the only one that is archive and active with members... great stuff killing the competition! ;)




Only loyal to the the best archive & contribution wise only active to the site that fills my specific interests.

That is the site admins problem on whatever site they have.

I really don't care so long as I have archives & horror boards that I already use. I just want info fast.


i was kidding mostly. but wishing death on the competition was pretty harsh. especially considering my site was registered first and had complete archives first. my mom tells me i'm the best too, fyi, and she wouldn't lie. she says jim sucks and is a liar, btw.


I don't wish death on any other site, and appreciate you created your board as well, with the complete archives.

"my mom tells me i'm the best too, fyi, and she wouldn't lie. she says jim sucks and is a liar, btw."

Ha ha. Jim's mom probably says the same about him. I appreciate both of you :)


thanks for the kind words, and especially thanks for not wishing me death. you didn't have to do that.


You're welcome :). In the end, we all want the same thing: a congenial, fun place to discuss films and TV, and an archive of the IMDB threads/posts is certainly a plus, and important, all of us having abruptly been scattered the winds the way we have been. Anyone who's put in work to prevent that from happening, as best they could, has my respect and appreciation.


I second that.




I like using the BB code for the old IMDB emoticons.


OMG, that sounds heavenly! Thank you lord Jim!! 😄👍👍 👏👏👏👏👏👏
