MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > UPDATE: Report button

UPDATE: Report button

I've been noticing a few trolls around here lately so I've added a report button at the bottom of each post. You can click the report button to alert our team of moderators (currently just me) of any suspicious activity. (Note: I'll be making a separate post about moderator recruitment shortly.)

There are currently no hard and fast rules on what can/can't be said, so just use common sense. As I've said before, I strongly believe in free speech and want to encourage discussion in any and all forms. Thus, please only use the report button sparingly in cases of clear and obvious trolls.

I've also added a "jump to latest reply" button at the top of each post. Sometimes when there are lots of nested replies, it can be difficult to find the latest reply. By clicking this handy button, you can jump straight to the latest reply in a thread.

More updates on the way!





I'm already using the absolute crap out of that "jump to latest," and I never really thought of it as a much needed feature!


"jump to latest" is a great feature for older, long threads where people post only occasionally.


Definitely, I'm sure it'll prove to be miiiiighty handy!


It flags it. I do not know about the anonymity of it though.


jump to latest should be added on the main page as well. So that you could jump to the latest post of a particular thread, just like we used to do on imdb






It seemed quite unpopular when I brought it up in another thread, but I still insist allowing users to downvote posts (which can be done anonymously) would be much more effective in combating trolls. There would be rare instances of abuse, but I still maintain it's the best option. Electing moderators gives too much power to relatively few users. I never once used the report button during my time at IMDb since I just assumed it was defective.


Nah I'm against it.

I've seen this on Reddit, it's the best way to create strong circlejerks and avoid discussions.


Same here.

The problem with down voting is that it has potential for abuse, and many will be reluctant to voice their honest opinion unless it's a popular one. I've belonged to forums that featured “karma points” and it just ends up turning into a huge popularity contest, with everyone afraid to voice the “wrong opinions”.

Totally opposed to this.



I wouldn't mind a "like" button though. See, here I could have liked your post instead of typing only "exactly".


Yeah, I'm also cool with the like button Traveler, no problems with that.


Up votes and down votes (and any kind of auto-ban based on downvotes) are so easily abused when a troll has 10 sockpuppet names.


I agree. I don't like the popularity contest aspect this creates. People will be discouraged.


I'm also opposed to an upvote/downvote button, it can be used against us by trolls or people that just take great pleasure in being mean. A like button, on the other hand, would be much better.


Thanks, Jim!


Thanks, Jim! The jump button is certainly useful, and I'll think about reporting trolls if I see any causing undue trouble.


Don't abuse the system!


I won't. xP
It's just that I have seen a handful of trolls around. Nothing too serious, just spamming useless comments and such.




Jim, my man!!!!!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Great stuff Jim! A thousand thank yous !
