MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > vs vs

I like both but I think chat is more user friendly. So I will decide shortly to stick with one and cancel the other - it looks like it will be moviechat for me. I do appreciate themoviedb for trying.


I like this site better, personally, although I did lurk at tMDb first for about a week to get a feel for it.


TMDb didn't have any posts at all for a couple of movies I like. So I won't go there. It's really a no-brainer. has most of IMDb's posts/boards here. So there's really no comparison for me.


Because Jim, the creator of this site, cared enough to archive much of IMDB's posts/boards I am sticking with this site. I just looked up a movie and it had three years worth of posts..I like to see different views on a movie..I always see a different angle or twist I didnt see before.


Yep, same here. This is my forever home, I love, love, love it here! And, like you flower, I love it when I find boards with tons of threads, love to read everyone's views and learn of things I didn't know about. It's just so informative and I'm so thankful we still have all that knowledge and information at our fingertips!


Totally agree!




But we got a head start on them. And because of that, most likely we'll always have more members and more traffic than the sites that come later. Plus we are the most similar to IMDb so far. We will be top dog in the message boards wars!!!! 💪💪💪💪😂😂




I'll never know, because I'll never go there LOL. It's MovieChat for me allllllll the way baby!!!! 😃💙😃💙

Now I must go spam some more Facebook movie pages with our link!!!! 😇😈😇😈


Hey guys, just saying that this will be my new go to after a film/show. You're filling a need for sure!


Awesome skullfond, welcome to the family! 😄👍👍




I already used TMDB before IMDB closed so will continue using it. I find myself coming to MovieChat more to post though but that being said I think it is going to take quite a long time for any site to even come close to how active IMDB message boards were so the only real option for me is to use multiple sites at the moment.


I've tried both and chose MovieChat. That other site is way too confusing to use and tries to be too slick.


I love the format here. It is futuristic.


I found TMDb to be even deader than here...perhaps I'm just looking in the wrong places, but I've received much more activity here than there. Maybe it's just cause my outreach here has been greater and I kind of ran with that and haven't paid much attention to TMDB.

When I do though, the discussions seem pretty light and like everyone is talking past each other so, I'm not feeling it as much. It's nice to have there as an alternative or for another source, but so far moviechat has my heart! I will much as I loathe reddit's format and very is very impressive in its wealth of info and analysis. Sometimes I wish we could get that level of attention here, but eh, I'm not trying to be greedy about it.


Trending section here shows enough activity. Perhaps not as much as the original IMDb but we have just started


I'm on both sites for now but there is almost no traffic on the show forums on themoviedb while here it is slowly improving so I think I'll stay here for the long run.


Why not have both?

Here for chat and there for cast and crew.
