MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How to make clickable links

How to make clickable links

I think this is how it's done. Enter your URL in the first part, then enter your text in the second:

Template (remove the spaces EXCEPT for the A HREF part):
< A HREF = ""; > Name of webpage here < /A >

Taken from this brief tutorial:

This is my test. Welcome to the Bates Motel boards

- Your URL must have "http://" in front of it to work
- Text part can be anything. The URL itself, or even a whole sentence, Mr. Anderson.


I still don't get it?


There have been other posts about people having trouble making links clickable. Hopefully the admins will see these posts and figure out a way to make it easy like some other sites do.


Took me awhile to get it - I actually studied BASIC and FORTRAN 35 years ago.


That's because you're too biased towards John and need to give Paul, George, and Ringo some love too.

1) Copy this line to your computer somewhere...
< a href="StickYourLinkeeThingeeHere" > WhatYouGonnaCallIt < /a >

2) Remove the spaces before and after the bracket-mcjobbers and save it.

3) Now every time you want to insert a linkee-poo, copy it back to here, and change it to your URL and give it a name.


I'm still not getting it, but thank you for trying to explain it.


Here is a picture of the code. Write it on a piece of paper exactly how you see it. Then paste your link in between the quotation marks and then put the page name between the brackets. See the red arrows? The first red arrow is where you insert your link. The second red arrow is where you type the page name (or just paste the link there too as well if you don't want to put a page name).

Movie Chat Code Picture


Where are the quotation marks!!!!?!?


You have to click on the link I posted. The one that says "Movie Chat Code Picture". I made a graphic showing the html code and where to place your links. I can't manually type the code out in this reply because it will not show up.


thanks soggybottom for the explanation as well.

"That's because you're too biased towards John and need to give Paul, George, and Ringo some love too."


lennonforever, I'm sorry it's not working. Can you give us a link that you want to make clickable? Maybe it will make more sense when you see your own link in the example.


lennonforever, check out the two templates on the bottom, and use these steps. Hopefully it works for you:

1) enter your web address in between the quotation marks.
2) enter your text in the "Name of webpage here" (or copy and paste the web address, if you wish).
3) remove any spaces if necessary, EXCEPT for the part where it says A HREF. That's the only one that needs to keep a space

Two templates you can use:
< A HREF = ""; > Name of webpage here < /A >

example and template using MovieChat's address:

< A HREF = ""; > MovieChat Everybody! < /A >

removing the spaces should get you this clickable link:

MovieChat Everybody!


Remove all spaces EXCEPT for the space between the a and the href in the beginning of the code.


Good catch! I'm going to edit my previous posts. Maybe that is what was messing people up. Sorry everyone - DO NOT remove the space from the A HREF part. But for everything else...remove the spaces.

Today I found out HREF means Hypertext Reference. 👌




Atomic and April: I wish I had you-two for my computer-class teachers.

Then maybe I would've passed!!!


It doesn't work cause I can't click it.


Here is a picture of the code. Write it on a piece of paper exactly how you see it. Then paste your link in between the quotation marks and then put the page name between the brackets. See the red arrows? The first red arrow is where you insert your link. The second red arrow is where you type the page name (or just paste the link there too as well if you don't want to put a page name).

Movie Chat Code Picture


Where are the quotation marks?!!


You have to click on the link I posted. The one that says "Movie Chat Code Picture". I made a graphic showing the html code and where to place your links. I can't manually type the code out in this reply because it will not show up.


It worked.


Good job!!!! 👏👏👏👏


Thanks dude. Next time show us how to make emoticons.


Hopefully Jim will get that going soon. He commented about 5 hours ago about still working on merging the entire IMDb message board catalog and how he had a few other unmentioned tricks he's going to spring on us. Hopefully they include an iggy button, profile pix, and emoticons!! 😃


I realized I hadn't commented so I could find this thread easier. I tried and failed under another thread, and had to repeatedly edit, so I'll test on an obsure Board so yall won't keep getting notifications here.


Just to quick note, I made one mistake in my original post (thankfully, April-151-CT pointed it out to me).

I said to remove all spaces, but that is actually wrong. Remove all spaces EXCEPT for the one between "A HREF". Other than that, everything should work.

< A HREF = ""; > Name of webpage here or any text you want < /A >

And in case you didn't see it, April-151-CT also posted this convenient picture telling you where to enter your URL/text:

Pic showing where to insert your URL and TEXT into template


I bookmarked her pic earlier, and until it's ingrained in this old-as-dirt-brain of mine I'll leave it open in tabs along with the emojis & a dictionary. BUT old dogs can be taught new tricks.

Thank you, AtomicReturns, for being so patient.

Alright, one more try here.. < A HREF=""; >come on, work please </A>


Son-of-a-biscuit eater!!! DRATS! No more. I'll play somewhere else.


It is way too complicated!!!




When (I'm optimistic!) I figure this out, how do you make it so the link opens in a New Tab instead of in the same tab? When I'm on MovieChat I don't like clicking on a link and it opening up on top of MovieChat.


Right click is your friend.


Many computer mice have a middle scrolling button that is also clickable. If you press it, the link usually opens up in a New Tab.

I think Laptop mice are smaller though and usually have that clickable scroll wheel. Not sure which one you have.


I'm so Dense with the small things! It's been right in front of my eyes this whole time and I didn't pay it any attention! WORD!!!!!!!


On other sites you can just post a link and it automatically becomes clickable


That's what we need here!!!! ::::crosses fingers::::




took me awhile to get it:

one space between the a and the h - no other spaces after that
paste your link between the quotation marks and paste your link between the > and < signs. You must paste twice.


come on, work please




Yup you got it!

Don't worry about making any errors. Feel free to use this thread for sandbox experimentation. I had to edit my original post 4 times myself because I kept messing something up with the brackets.


lennonforever, edited 'cause it didn't show what I actually typed. Bless!


This method doesn't work anymore. Used to work :(


This method doesn't work anymore. Used to work :(

Actually it should still be working. I remember testing it out after Jim put out the latest updates (formatting additions such as italics[/i], bold, and url links)

I love that the new method is so much easier. But the older method, if one wanted to use it, should still work here. You can also customize your text with the older method.

Link to

Link to [i]Fate of the Furious
message board


Thanks for the tips.


