@Apis, I've downloaded that torrent, and it is indeed legitimate. Not only that, but it's impressive. It doesn't feature any off the actor boards, and doesn't seem to have any of the television show boards either. But it has a gigantic collection of movie boards. Every movie board I've searched for within it is there, even some very obscure ones. Not only that, but the boards, once extracted from the archive, are fully browsable, just like a real website. And each thread is preserved as one long page, with every post from every page of the original thread put together on one seamless page. I've never seen anything like it before.
@jim, if you're reading this, I highly recommend that you check out the torrent. It would help you fill many of the gaps in your current archive of IMDb posts, including much of the 9-reply limit problem that currently exists.
@Alexander the Drake, I believe that the IMDb boards that Archive Team download are already uploaded to Archive.org at the link you posted. They are apparently contained in multiple huge .gz archive files that can be downloaded and extracted. My guess is that it's probably the most complete of the IMDb boards out there, but the files are too huge for me to download (just downloading one of the archive files alone would use 1/3 of the data allowance that my ISP gives me).