MovieChat Forums > LGBT Film > The comments made by Dolce and Gabanna d...

The comments made by Dolce and Gabanna designers

The D & G designers spoke against same-sex parenting and In-Vitro-Fertilization saying this in an italian magazine

"I call children of chemistry, synthetic children. Rented wombs, semen chosen from a catalog." and "You are born to a mother and a father. Or at least that's how it should be,"

obviosuly this got a lot of backlash from people like Elton John and Ryan Murphy etc.

it later came out that one of the two supports IVF and that the other was just expressing his personal point of view and that he respect the point of view of others.

Several people in Hollywood have already decided to boycott D & G clothing and not use it in productions. I personally was rather surprised by the comments made by the designers as they themselves are influental people in the LGBT community and that they would say things like this that are so disrespectful t

How do you guys feel about this?



I think each person is intitled to their own opinion. Speaking as a gay man, I personally have never had a desire to have children anyway. To some extent, I agree that these gay couples that are paying excessive amounts of money to have more children brought into this world is kind of sad. I know they want to feel like these children are made up genetically from their own DNA partially. Is it really that important when there are so many children in this country that need good homes? I personally don't think that if my partner of 15 years and myself wanted a child, that the DNA issue would matter. I really just don't understand why they will not just adopt a child that will more than likely love them even more later in life for doing so. What I find really disgusting is the really rich celebrities who have "imported" several children from other countries when this country has so many unwanted children already. It's almost as if they are collecting children in the same manner someone might collect coins or stamps.

Dame Elton John had a hissy fit about this subject and two days later was photographed walking with a large bag from D&G. I guess he got over it fairly quickly. Other stars spoke of burning their D&G clothing, but to me, this is like PETA buying up all the lobsters and setting them free just to be caught and resold. You know these are the same stars that are saying that D&G should be boycotted, but just wait until that one dress they love comes out, they will forget this whole thing even happened. It only took Elton John 2 days.

I can honestly say that as much as I use to love Chick-fil-a, I haven't been in one since they put their foot in their mouth. I just don't think most celebrities are this dedicated to a cause. I'm sure my boycott of Chick-fil-a hasn't made them loose money, but I feel better personally by not supporting a homophobic company.


Now I see why you spaced D & G apart. This is the thing I hate most about posting here, you can't go back and edit your response. I wish IMDB would fix this issue. It just gives others an opportunity to name call.


Pretty sure you can edit. just click the "edit" button. Won't work on phones though I think.



I don't agree with their comments, but I personally wouldn't boycott them just for an opinion I disagreed with. If they were actively trying to stop same sex parenting in some way, I may feel differently.

However, I've never bought any D&G products, so it makes zero difference!


If you are a public figure like Domenico Dolce who has a massive client base in the Gay community as well as others aligned with it then we have to understand that his comment was incredibly stupid, if only from a business standpoint.

Any backlash he and his company receive is deserved.
