Today's economy and low gas prices
Nowadays, many news statistics have proved that today's economy has improved and gotten better and we're out of the late 2000's/early 2010's economic recession, and gas prices are low now, and that's enough to make people happy.
However, it's too bad that I see so many countless people on the Internet, in particular Youtube, whining about how everything today sucks.
What about low gas prices? People used to hate how high gas prices were, but now they're low again, and that's enough to make people happy and stressfree, but people still want to whine about how everything today sucks.
Plus, the economy has gotten better, news statistics have proved that today's economy has gotten better, yet people today still want to gripe about how everything today sucks.
People used to be very stressed about how horrible the economy was back in the late 2000's/early 2010's and how high gas prices were, but now gas prices are low and the economy has gotten better, and that should make people happy and have less stress in their lives...but people still complain that everything today sucks.
I actually saw a Youtube comment saying how everything started going downhill in 2013.
2013? Really?
After 2013, the economy got better and gas prices got better, even cartoons got better and music got only a slightly little bit better, but someone says stupid crap about how everything went downhill after 2013.
I also saw another Youtube comment about how this decade gets worse as the years go by.
Unless something truly bad happens in 2017, 2018 or 2019 or even at the end of 2016, it isn't getting worse.
I know entertainment today might not be the greatest and all, but the economy has improved and gotten better and gas prices are low, and that's what's really important.
The 1930's might've been a good decade for entertainment, but it was the decade of the Great Depression, which is the worst economic recession of ALL time.
And what was more important, the entertainment or the fact that people were so dirt poor they didn't have any money and had to wait in long lines for food?
Is it bad that I think this decade is getting better as the years go by?
I know entertainment today might be mostly garbage, but the economy has gotten better and gas prices are low and that is what is really important.
Why do people complain how everything today sucks even though gas prices are low and the economy is a lot better, which is enough to make them happy and not give them stress?
These are people who probably have nothing better to do with their lives and all they want to do is whine and complain.