TLC: trying to be Lifetime?
Earlier this year, Lifetime began showing Seriously Funny Kids (with Heidi Klum), Coming Home (with Matt Rogers) and One Born Every Minute. Seriously Funny Kids is pretty much self-explanatory (Klum goofing off with kids with fart and booger jokes), Coming Home shows military members surprising their family by coming home early with the help of Matt Rogers, and One Born Every Minute shows the maternity ward at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, OH, usually following three moms-to-be.
TLC is now advertising new shows for this summer: I Kid With Brad Garrett, Surprise Homecoming (with Billy Ray Cyrus) and started showing Baby's First Day in the last couple months. I Kid is Brad Garrett goofing off with kids, Surprise Homecoming shows Billy Ray helping servicemembers surprise their families by coming home early and Baby's First Day chronicles Vanderbilt University Medical Center, following two moms-to-be (OBEM is 1 hr, BFD is 30 minutes).
The parallels are obvious. Funny celebrity goofing off with semi-funny kids, making jokes above their heads? Has-been singer that can appeal to middle-class America helping servicemembers come home to surprise their families? Maternity ward at a specific hospital, each featuring new moms?
I know that copying ideas from other networks isn't a new concept, and that there are a million other examples that could be made. However, this one seems more blatant. Three very specific ideas from one network, with another copying them within six months.
On another note, Lifetime recently began airing Vanished With Beth Holloway, which seems like a rushed, condensed, lame version of ID's Disappeared.
Any thoughts?
The night is a very dark time for me.