MovieChat Forums > Networks > help! how to get series' suggested?

help! how to get series' suggested?

hey guys, anyone know how on earth to get a series suggested to a channel? or if its even possible?

I live in london, and theres an adaptation of a really well known british author's book that im dying to see! however, it was adapted in greece and is part in english and part in greek.

from what i know its had amazing reviews and, considering the brit author element in addition to that, i think it'd be worth at least a think about by the channels over here (although knowing my luck it'll be picked up by a channel i have no access to!)


if you send your pages
of ideas
to the Copyright Office
at Library of Congress

--and pay their huge fees

then surely
every parasite over there
will snatch em up
and hack em
to high Hwood
--toward their huge prize purse

That's one way
to get
your original ideas noticed

Either that
or else
maybe send em
to some Hwood hack
--and then
all them Hwood copy machines
would soon gear
into overpower

Third possibility
post em
on some message board
and then every hack
will take credit
for your hard work
your hard original work
your very original ideas
--those evil parasite hacks
they would

Best to keep em
somewhere safe
until a kindly Copyright agent
may volunteer
some righteous counsel
-- that is
if ever there were
a kindly Copyright agent
a kindly Hwood script agent
or an honest Copyright lawyer

[harp] ๐ŸŽป [saint] [candle] [piano]

รขโ„ขยช ๎‚ˆ Not even Mad Scientists
get it right every time
