My hero is a Duke...of Hazzard
Many years ago, when I was a teen
I ranaway from home, to follow a dream.
Caught the Grayhound bus
With seven dollars in my pocket,
Most who knew me then called me Cheryl Lockett.
I went to Hollywood to be amongst the stars,
Walked the Boulevard dodging rich man cars.
Got in trouble trespassing on a Warner Brothers set,
Went back again on a homeless buddies bet.
Motorcycle cop approached me, my heart skipped a beat,
How would I have known, a Duke I would meet.
He offered me his friendship,I excepted with a smile,
Saved me from the cop, we visited for awhile.
I watched the Dukes being chased by Roscoe P Coltrane,
I laughed so hard that day, I returned again.
Not trespassing this time,
John was called for permission,
To have me legally on the lot by his verbal admission.
My hero is a Duke...of Hazzard known to most Bo,
He saved me when I trespassed twenty-something years ago.