Aha! On the OLTL thread I surmised Jessica's stalker would be ... Mitch, whom Roscoe Born played so wonderfully on two separate OLTL storylines. Why did I pick him? Storywise, he's the only former villain who's the right age to be Rex's insane homicidal Dad.
Yes, he is (? certainly WAS) one of the handsomest actors to ever appear on soaps. I'm sure his shower scenes on Ryans Hope made that show's ratings soar. His appearances and OLTL and AMC were good stories and he's simply a brilliant actor.
OLTL has not yet revealed the stalker because they're still into Vickie and Dorian running competitively for Mayor as well as the climax to the "Cole undercover" storyline.
I can't recollect Mitch's end the last time, after he sealed Star's dad in Victor Lord's vault, I think he was supposedly shot and his body vanished in Llanview River, but would not be at all surprised if he returns to OLTL. Stay tuned. I'm sure, at any rate, he's still a good looking man ... but is he as hunky today as he was 3 decades ago? Time will tell.