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Physicists Claim that Consciousness Lives in Quantum State After Death

Does quantum mechanics predict the existence of a spiritual “soul”?

Testimonials from prominent physics researchers from institutions such as Cambridge University, Princeton University, and the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich claim that quantum mechanics predicts some version of “life after death.”

They assert that a person may possess a body-soul duality that is an extension of the wave-particle duality of subatomic particles.

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That is a version of what I have personally believed for some time now.


Consciousness is a blessing.
As is unconsciousness.

Impossible is illogical.
Lack of evidence is not proof.
 +  = 


Smelled like these physicists were 'quoted' out of context. No links to the works of which they would freely comment.

So, use the word "physicists' freely, as if that will give credence to what is allegedly claimed by the author. Shameful. Awfully shameful.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks


This is a bunch of science-free New Age garbage.

Physicists often arrogantly claim expertise in subjects they know absolutely nothing about, especially consciousness, and people blindly take them seriously just because physics is such a prestigious discipline. Sorry, but the guy who rang up your snacks at the local convenience store has as much training in understanding consciousness as any of these people.

If you want to know about exciting developments in the study of the mind, a physicist is the last person you’d want to talk to. Instead, read about what the most influential cognitive neuroscientists are doing and saying. Or at least a philosopher who specializes in the mind and grounds her work in that branch of science. You are wasting your time with clowns like these.


First comes the living human with the attribute of consciousness. No living being results in no consciousness.


There are some other very good physicists who think that science is capable (Ed. Thurs 25/08/26) of explaining consciousness. (Witten is a remarkably good physicist, but I'm not sure he's the "world's smartest physicist." How would you even test that claim?)

"If you ain't a marine then you ain't *beep*


There are some other very good physicists who think that science is incapable of explaining consciousness.

True, but since physicists don't study consciousness as part of their professions, they have absolutely zero credibility on the subject and their opinions don't really carry any kind of weight.


Sorry, but the guy who rang up your snacks at the local convenience store has as much training in understanding consciousness as any of these people.

If you want to know about exciting developments in the study of the mind, a physicist is the last person you’d want to talk to. Instead, read about what the most influential cognitive neuroscientists are doing and saying. Or at least a philosopher who specializes in the mind and grounds her work in that branch of science. You are wasting your time with clowns like these.^This. And in general, be wary of "experts" making wild claims outside of their own narrow field of expertise. They tend to wander into crank territory when they do, even if they are respected experts in their own field (for example, two time nobel prize winning chemist Linus Pauling became a vitamin C quack later in life, claiming among other things that it could help treat cancer, in spite of substantial evidence to the contrary). Science is super-specialized nowadays, and doing research in any area typically requires years of study and training and an enormous amount of background knowledge.
