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10 Little Known Facts About the Bible

1. One of the early copies of the Bible, appearing in 1004, omits completely two books of the New Testament and shortens the famous commandments to 8.

2. Satan and sin are mentioned 12% more often in the Bible than God

3. A mysterious supposed extra disciple, Terence of Antioch, is mentioned once in Mark and then disappears from the text.

4. Among the proscriptions found in the OT is one prohibiting a dish which sounds very like borscht

5. Pontius Pilate is briefly mentioned in Luke as having a cat called Augustine.

6. In Exodus are we told the Jews leave Egypt, but had to leave behind 'woollen socks and scarves therein' as they are unblessed

7. Some scholars in the 15th century argued that Jesus was in fact hung upside down and the Bible account was mistranslated.

8. Bible pages are the most smoked papers in America, according to FBI drug enforcement statistics

9. In a secret conclave in 1934, the Pope considered adding the Book of Mormon to the Catholic Canon, or at least as Apocrypha.

10. Some people believe everything they are told.


11. George Carlin is the second coming of Jesus.
