MovieChat Forums > Religion, Faith, and Spirituality > How often do you go to Church

How often do you go to Church

If you're Christian often do you go to Church?


Looks as if church isn't that popular....


Meaning what?


Just that.


I guess I dont understand what you mean.


No, I guess you don't.


Wouldnt it depend on the location?


I don't know. Try moving your laptop out of the toilet into the bar area perhaps?


In China there aren't many people attending churches but in some places in the U.S. there are a lot of people attending church on a sunday.


I was being sarcastic as there had been no replies to your OP in 5 months. However church attendance has been slowing noticeable in some countries, like the UK.


Because there are maybe a handful of Christians on this board. Do you attend Church?


Never the less.. nothing after 5 months? And all you got was an atheist lol


They aren't practicing Christians.


Have you asked them?


If someone doesnt go to Church then they aren't a practicing Christian.


What has that to do with no Christians replying here?


When did I say it does?


Then why raise it?


why do you think I did?


I've no idea.


I'm glad we settled that.


er.. ok then




Not necessarily. You can be a practising Christian without going to church.


Filmflaneur is Skavau’s retarded younger sibling. Just as dense and obnoxious, but with added complete incoherence.

Have fun trying to communicate with it…


He was on the old IMDB board. I'm familiar with him.


ust as dense and obnoxious, but with added complete incoherence.

Still stings from our last chat, eh?

Have I mentioned that an ad hominem is not an argument?


Haven't been able to :`( Our last church, which we had been with for 5 years, had a really bad changeover in leadership in 2019, and it broke our hearts. We haven't been back since the last Christmas concert of that year. The new people chosen to be the Lead Pastor and Choir Director were awful. Ruined our entire experience at the church.

But that isn't even the worst of it. That was the only church we've been able to find that wasn't a stupid Pentecostal or LDS church in our area.

The best we can do now is streaming services from a megachurch in Texas.


Hmm... that's not good. cafeteria Christian?


No. We're non-denominational Christians and are not fans of sects that demand you "speak in tongues" or have tons of wives like in a cult. Or worse, the message is lost amongst current pop culture trends. We always have a specific and consistent kind of church we look for, based on the messages and values they teach, and it's really disturbing when they deviate from that for stupid reasons that even they won't explain.

The reason we left our last church was because the pastor treated us all like a bunch of teenage TikTok addicts with a 5 second memory. He repeated himself dozens of times during each sermon and drove many in the congregation nuts. He'd take really short, easy to understand messages, and drag them out over an entire hour with no supplemental material to add to the sermon, and no additional lessons that could enrich the message. He barely even used Bible verses! I've never seen a guy take the story of Ruth and stretch it out over 4 weeks before, and it's a really short story in the Bible, with a message that could be taught in one sermon.

This is why you don't have a Youth Pastor take over the role of Head Pastor these days. It used to work before social media, but apparently this guy had to deal with a lot of teenagers with ADHD, and forgot that the main audience of the congregation was not like that, and found his sermons insulting and annoying more than spiritually enriching.


Dude, come on. Can't you give a response that's just a few sentences like most people do. Are you saying you're not a cafeteria Christian? Do you know what that term means?


I know exactly what it is, and I find it very insulting. It's someone who drifts from one church to another and latches on temporarily based on finding just one or two aspects they like (and often not the message being preached), and they eventually leave to find another church that has something interesting. It's similar to people eating at a buffet. Our previous pastor (the one who retired and let the Youth Pastor take over) at the church I mentioned even talked about it, and why it's the wrong way to go about finding a good church with a good foundation and spiritual message. It shows you don't really care about what's being taught at all.

A key difference between what my family has experienced, and what a Cafeteria Christian is, is that Cafeteria Christians will not pay attention to the message other than what suits them. My family has always been consistent on what we wanted from our churches, and it's not our fault if we have to move to other towns or states, or if a good pastor retires and is replaced with a bad one. That's not the same as being a Cafeteria Christian.

I thought you were better than this, Blade13.


Cafeteria Christianity is a term used to describe Christians who pick and choose which doctrines to follow, and which to ignore123. It is a derogatory term that implies a lack of commitment or consistency in one's faith


Yeah, and we're not like that, thank you for asking. If we really were cafeteria Christians, we would have gone to any old church in our current area and not have cared if the messages taught in those places was inconsistent with what we'd been raised with.

And for the record, the situation I'm talking about has nothing to do with cafeteria Christian behavior at all.


You understand what a doctrine is? Like for example Christ teaches not to fornicate, but many Christians dont follow this law and dont consider it sinful. Because they pick and choose i.e. cafeteria Christianity. They are not considered practicing Christians.


So you can't tell the difference between someone having to change locations to someone who consistently goes to church, but doesn't follow what they've been taught? I think you got some of our communication garbled up here.


Yeah! And all those divorcees who ignore Christ's views on that too... cafeterias, one and all!

I am glad this thread has sprung back into life, partly helped by Blade's initial, gnomic, contributions. Its one resurrection I can believe in...


"Yeah! And all those divorcees who ignore Christ's views on that too... cafeterias, one and all!"

Hey we agree on something.


Good for you.


Did you think you were going to get me with that?


Here you are...


You thought you were going to name something I was engaging in that Christ forbids.

That's why "did you think you were going to get me with that?"


Don't tell me what I think.


Such a dedicated Christian apologist that they deleted themself. These days it takes an atheist to keep a religious board alive, it would seem.


You thought I was better than what? I'm now allowed to ask you a question? If that's the case then I wont ever again.


You can ask me questions, I just don't like the idea of being accused of being a cafeteria Christian. There's a huge difference between leaving a church because it's gone bad, and picking and choosing the doctrines being taught. They are two completely different subjects.


Ok nevermind.


Look, I've said nasty things about political figures and actors on here, I've cussed and sworn, I've had arguments with people, I've said a lot of things I'm not proud of. But frankly, I refuse to be a doormat when someone is being mean to me or something I care about. I'm a fighter, always have been.




I go almost every week. I've lived in my current residence for 6 years, and started going to my local church about a year after I moved. In that span of five years, I can only think of a handful of services I missed...most of which were due to the place being briefly shut down for part of the Covid pandemic.
