what is this type of painting called?
I saw a painting 10 years back.. I think the painter was danish cause I live in Denmark and saw it here..
Basicly it was plastered with colors.. really colorfull.. the picture featured mainly a big man lifting a house.. halfway from the ground, so you could look under it.
There were many small stories taking place in the same painting.
I remember something looking like a troll peaking out from underneath the house.
I gave up locating that painting but was wondering about the style.
I like those type of paintings..
This one is from a childrens book, but its just to give an idea of the 'many stories in the same picture' -> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-lxn29EcrlA/TU3sv6roR9I/AAAAAAAAAD8/a6Xh9tep cZc/s1600/pettson_findus.jpg
Does this 'where is waldo' style have a name?..
And do you know of any 'famous' painters that used it?.. cause the display I saw, was definetly not from a childrens book, but it was still this concept.
Ned Charles:
They don't rap about my life.