Meanwhile, in Skavau land...
"But to address this the major differences that make it not pushing sexuality as hard, are A. The natural reproduction of humans is heterosexuality this is the difference between having more humans and making every show about artificial cloning of humans. B. It’s far more developed when compared to homosexual relationships especially in children’s media, you get a gay background character or a gay kiss and then a fully developed plotline or romance, it’s clearly virtue signaling and just not well executed."
In a kid's show, I would expect how gay or straight people are presented should wildly depend on what kids the show is targeting. If it's toddlers, it would be nothing more than just having two parents of the same sex and nothing else is mentioned. Only inferred. "daddy and daddy" or "mummy and mummy". If it's for 12 year olds, it might be different and could thematically include innocent love as somne kid shows do already now for heterosexual kids.
"Yes. Transgenderism is a different subject imo. It’s a mental illness and a cult (by definition not as in mindless hate, the definition is “a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing”) I have no hate in my heart for trans people, as I have no hate in my heart for schizophrenic people. But A. Promoting body insecurities that leads to unnatural medications and medical procedures that statistically do not significantly help this group is wrong. B. Reinforcing the idea that something that is not true, actually is true is wrong."
So any time a trans actor is cast in anything, the showrunners are automatically just trying to propagandise transgender people? Alexandra Billings as Ainsley Lowbeer had no other purpose?
If I'm reading you right here, you're implying that transpeople should be blacklisted from TV/film.
"(Nobody goes and says oh yes schizophrenic person what your seeing that isn’t there actually is there your so right, here’s a cookie) C. Just like schizophrenia the mass suicide rates need genuine help, we need to tell these people that are uncomfortable in their bodies no it’s ok this is your body, this is how it is, this is how you can and should love yourself. Not ok go cut off your penis and hope you get breasts with these medications, hopefully that solves all your self hatred. It needs to be treated like schizophrenia, this is a mental illness, no hatred towards anyone, just this is wrong, this is not the way reality is, here’s some ways to help."
I didn't really ask you about your opinions about their validity. They are adults, they make their own decisions and don't answer to you.
"Yes and no. Early on absolutely not he’s actually an incredibly well written and amazing character who just happens to be gay. Later on they give him a boyfriend who we’ve never really seen, which is fine if you want to introduce a new character but they don’t. They introduce the idea of Aaron being gay harder into the story for no reason."
You've got muddled here. Aaron is with Eric the moment you meet him in TWD. We see Eric a few episodes after he gets the group to Alexandria. After Eric died he never had a relationship with anyone ever again. He referenced his homosexuality a few times but Aaron was not remotely a flamboyant gay character at all.
"They go out of their way to have this guy be included and join along against the characters will, they don’t give him any individuality or characterization which makes him quite literally only Aaron’s boyfriend, without that he’s nothing. And they kill him off like he’s nothing too, so he literally only serves as a way to go “hey he’s gay let’s give special attention to him being gay for a season/few episodes (sorry forget exactly how long it is)."
You're talking about Eric here? Yes, he was a side character. So? They introduced him not long after Aaron was introduced, and they introduced with a kiss. You do realise plenty of shows have surface level relationships, where one character is clearly more narratively important than the other? Jerry's partner in The Walking Dead had very little characterisation. Did you object to that?
The only character trait he has is that he’s scared, which deep down is nearly the entire cast of the show so yea no doesn’t work.
No? Eric wasn't a massive character, but he was not written like that at all.
"This sucks. Aaron is great before this and is still fine after this though he gets less screen time, but Aaron being gay is executed horrifically and sucks awfully, and would for a straight relationship too. This is genuinely one of the worst romance plots of anything I’ve ever seen, freaking gnomeo and Juliet is better than this."
Aaron and Eric wasn't even a romance plot, dude. It was just detail to a character. It wasn't meant to be deep. Not all shows with large ensemble casts can give full attention to every character. The point about Aaron was and is that he isn't a stereotype, and is just a normal guy - who is gay.
..Some things never change.