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French leftist theatre faces bankruptcy after opening its doors to 250 African migrants for a free show...

A theatre in Paris which is known for its radical shows and exhibitions has been occupied by more than 250 African migrants after they were let in for a free event five weeks ago.

The Gaîté Lyrique theatre in Paris staged the conference, entitled Reinventing the welcome for refugees in France, on December 10.

It involved talks hosted by academics from top universities and Red Cross officials, and saw activists welcome in the migrants.

But when the conference was finished, the migrants, who mainly come from France's former west African colonies, refused to leave the venue.

Still occupied, the leftist theatre now faces going out of business after weeks without revenue from ticket sales, and has had to cancel all performances until at least January 24.

Its management said in a statement last week that the number of people taking shelter in the theatre is 'continuing to increase' and has swelled to around 300 people.

'The sanitary conditions are deteriorating day after day and the teams are facing this situation alone,' it said as it called for the local authorities to find a housing solution for the occupiers.

'Although this occupation is forced, it is unthinkable for the Gaîté Lyrique to throw these people out onto the street in the middle of winter,' the statement added.

Paris's Socialist-led council, which owns the building, claims it has looked for accommodation for the migrants but that none was available.


Question is, where do homeless immigrants come from after Macron clearly is a right winger and has been president since 2017, who let them into the country and then didn't provide housing for them? Certainly not the left who haven't been in government since forever.


They're more a centrist party or at least tries to be. Even the Tories in the UK let in migrants.


Yea, I know, if the facts do not match your opinion, then the facts must be wrong.

Macron is of all political parties in France the furthest to the right and so are the Toris in GB

How about some simple logic?
Who wants immigration? The rich and the corporations or average people and small business?
Maybe the rich and the corporations because that's how they can squeeze wages for locals down?
Who do the rich and the corporations tell you to vote for? The left or the right?
Ever heard a rich French asking people to vote for Melonchon? Ever heard a rich British asking people to vote for the Greens?
And now just one tiny little logic step: WHO has been bought by the rich and the corporations and will let more immigrants into the country? The left or the right?

If you see supposedly left parties like Democrats in the US supporting immigration, that does NOT mean the left would want immigration, it means Democrats are on the right.
Ever heard propaganda in the US suggesting to vote for the Greens? Why not?
Maybe because the Greens would raise taxes on the rich and reduce immigration?


Immigration helps the economy. Expect the U.S. economy to slow or head south without enough workers to fill jobs and with higher prices.

Not all immigrants are unskilled. There are plenty of doctors, entrepreneurs and other skilled professionals.

This new wave of anti-immigration rhetoric started with Trump.

Macron (Renaissance Party) is slightly right of center. The Republicans are farther right than Macron, but I believe Macron is a closet Republican or aligned with them on many policies.

LePen's party, the National Rally is far-right. She's basically a neo-Nazi or Fascist.


You're wrong on multiple levels.

Immigration doesn't help the economy, it only helps the corporations saving the expenses of educating the local youth.

Macron is literally furthest right in France, LePen is center right.

Has always been that way, even in Nazi Germany the Nazis were center right while the CDU (the actual right wing in Germany) has always been and still is the furthest right.

How logic can it be?

What do you call politics when the state gives ALL unemployed people a job and pays their wages by taking on national debt? Is that far right wing politics?
If not, then take the fact that the Nazis hired half of all unemployed Germans as soldiers in the German army and the other half of all unemployed workers they hired to produce the equipment the soldiers needed.
Still think that's far right?

It's "far authoritarian" because it's all based on racism and war mongering, but far right is something different.
I've had discussions about this in a German forum where you can find people who claim "far right" is just a definition for fascists that has nothing to do with the left-right orientation of politics, where I usually reply, in that case "far right" is a purposefully misleading wording, just so the actual furthest right can claim there would be something to the right of them.


Le Pen is a racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic Fascist. Her POS father died a few days ago:

"Le Pen, who was convicted of racism, antisemitism and Holocaust denial, died Tuesday at the age of 96, according to an announcement by the far-right National Rally party he founded. "


"U.S. reliance on immigrants is up sharply. A study by Moody's Analytics concluded that for every 1% increase in immigration, GDP rose 1.15%. That's a 15% return on immigration. Meanwhile, widely referenced economic studies estimate that roughly 10% to 11% of U.S. GDP is supplied by immigrants. Some estimates put the total impact as high as 15% of GDP.

At current levels of economic output, even the lower 10% GDP estimate comes out to about $2 trillion a year in added GDP. It's a surprisingly large amount, a little over $6,000 per person, and the U.S. would be far less wealthy without it.

The U.S. economy needs immigrants to fill both low- and high-skill jobs, due to such factors as low fertility, a shortage of technical skills and Americans' work preferences.

Already, American businesses are dealing with the biggest labor shortage since records have been kept. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, roughly 6 million people are unemployed. But 7.3 million jobs are unfilled.

To expand and thrive, businesses need workers to replace those who leave. With unemployment near record lows, where will they find them?

For many, the answer is obvious: More immigration. And no, the need is not just for people to fill high-paying science and technology (STEM) jobs. Retail stores, restaurants and other service industries also need workers.

Census estimates are eye-opening. From 2015 to 2060, the population of native-born Americans will grow by about 34 million, and the population of immigrants by 64.1 million. Without those immigrants, there will be millions fewer workers and taxpayers. And a smaller economy.


"A 2017 study found that 28% of all physicians and surgeons were immigrants. Among nurses and psychiatric and home aides, 24% came from foreign shores. That's a quarter of our health care industry.

And immigrants' share of the health care workforce likely will grow. Due to an aging population and more chronic illness, health care is expected to add 2.4 million jobs by 2026, an increase of 18%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Many of those jobs will be filled by immigrants.

A study by the Center for Immigration Studies noted that 44% of medical scientists, 34% of software engineers and 25% of chemists in the U.S. were born in other countries. As the share of immigrants grows, their shares of these high-end jobs are expected to grow too.
Immigrant Patents, Business Formation

But that's not all. Immigrants are far more likely to start businesses and file patents than natives. More than half of all patents in the U.S. today come from foreigners, according to U.S. Patent Office data. Some 25.6% of patents come from immigrants, according to the Kauffman Foundation, a think tank that focuses on the economics of entrepreneurship. (Want to start a business? Learn five key steps to becoming a successful entrepreneur.)

From 2006 to 2012, a Kauffman survey of companies showed, immigrants were involved as founders or co-founders of 26% of all U.S. engineering and tech startups. And over half of Silicon Valley startups came from immigrants.

This is vital, since small startups account for the majority of U.S. jobs growth. Entrepreneurs cost the economy nothing; they create jobs, goods and services and wealth that benefit American citizens.

Another immigration fact: Immigrants own 18% of all small businesses, according to one recent study from the nonpartisan Fiscal Policy Institute's Immigration Center.

Some of the biggest U.S. corporate names began as immigrant startups — among them eBay, Google, PayPal and Yahoo."


In the beauty and cosmetology business, 63% are foreign-born. Among fruit and vegetable sorters, the share is 60%. It's over 50% for plasterers and stucco masons (59%), sewing machine operators (55%) and farmworkers (52%). While many of these jobs require skills, they require training rather than education.

Other occupations with a large immigrant workforce include housekeeping (50%), tailors and sewing (50%), drywall and ceiling installers (49%), and taxi drivers and chauffeurs (47%). These are, for the most part, low-wage jobs.

The bottom line: Immigrants are an integral part of the economy, and will be for a long time."


"Le Pen is a racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic Fascist."

Correct, but has nothing to do with right wing politics.
It's authoritarian politics that does that, right wing is only about further enriching the already rich.

"A 2017 study found that 28% of all physicians and surgeons were immigrants. Among nurses and psychiatric and home aides, 24% came from foreign shores. That's a quarter of our health care industry."

And now you tell me, how many Americans could but aren't working in the health care industry for two reasons.
1 They didn't get the education required for that, because the entire health care industry saves the expenses of such an education by importing ready educated people from abroad.
2 Wages in these jobs are so low that Americans cannot pay rent from that.


They're far-right extremists.

They're certainly not left-wing Liberals.

I agree that the right-wing are pro-rich. But they also support far-right extremists. Look who is supporting Trump - Republicans.


Yeayea, here we go again, if the facts do not match the preset opinion, then the facts must be wrong.
Fascists are "center right far authoritarians" while Macron is a "far right moderate authoritarian".
Only in the US Trump is both at the same time a "far right AND far authoritarian".
The rich won't support Trump on his far authoritarian behavior, they only want the economically far right part, you'll see that when Musk drops Trump like a hot potatoe right after Trump gives him the tax break he wants.

Left wing isn't even in the same ball park.


The recent French elections had the political parties of the Left, the Republicans and Macron's centrist unite to defeat the Fascist far-right LePen party.

By American standards, the French are more socialist, or pro-working-class which is the opposite of authoritarianism. You won't find book bans, voter suppression, anti-abortion in France like in the U.S.

We have creeping Fascism/authoritarianism here.

Macron is not authoritarian. He passed stronger laws to protect abortion and created policy to increase women legislators. Authoritarians are anti-women. His policies and speeches are not anti-immigrant or racist. That's LePen.

His economic policy is more pro-business because he admires the U.S. and wants to use some of our ideas to become economically stronger. I think that's a mistake and he received a lot of pushback.

He does lean toward the Republican party by supporting business and the rich. Newscasters had referred to him as President of the rich. Again, just copying the U.S. model.

I think we're basically on the same page, but semantics may be getting in the way.

The president in France does hold more power because their government is more centralized. Local regions and municipalities cannot write separate laws like the U.S. can.

We both agree that Republicans are more pro-business and rich than Democrats. In the U.S., Republicans have moved toward authoritarianism which is what Trumpism is. That's less freedoms and democracy.

Musk also wants massive deregulation. He's basically a far-right Fascist. Look at the racist Fascist slime he's supporting in Europe.


Not sure where you copied this propaganda from, but that's just what it is, fake news and propaganda.
Unfortunately you're not capable of looking at an image that contradicts the text your copy says.

Macron isn't a centrist, he's the furthest to the right of all parties in France.
No matter how often you repeat propaganda that has been made up by the right to distract from the fact who the furthest to the right is, it won't become true.
IFFFFFFFF Macron were a centrist, he wouldn't have such a huge problem with letting the left have influence in a coalition.

In his first attempt Macron tried building a government of 3 parties where the two smaller ones are far to the right and the bigger one is moderately left. Macron tried to make a contract that granted the right wingers what they want while the left was only supposed to give their votes without making a difference, a plan that crashed down in parlament upon the very first attempt of voting on anything.


I was gonna disagree with MarkPh but after reading up on the National Rally, I do agree now. Le Pen has changed many things far from what her father did to move more to the moderate side of things. They used to want to leave the EU but now want to reform it among other things.


Most of the so called "far right" parties in Europe have understood that leaving the EU or the EUR would collapse their economy and throw them back into the middle ages, because whatever new currency they would come up with would balance the value of their currency to their economic strength and with Germany being so overwhelmingly strong in the economics of Europe, all the other countries would end up in hyper inflation.
LePen looks at the Turkish currency, where a similarly authoritarian government as LePen wants to create is in place and the currency is in free fall and from there it's not hard to conclude it's better to stay in the EU.

After all the so called "far right", isn't on the left, they are still in the right half of the spectrum, just not as far as the ones who made up the misleading definition of "far right".
However, LePen isn't anywhere near moderate in general, she's moderate in economic terms as in wanting to help the average local population and not enrich the already richest as fast as the economic right wants to, but on social issues LePen is a "far authoritarian" which means what she wants to do to help the locals is full of racism and authoritarian patronizing.


She's the same POS Fascist as her father. What she did was rebrand similar to the KKK wearing business suits instead of white sheets and calling themselves white nationalists. She still repeats the same xenophobic bigotry and in bed with other authoritarians but not as outwardly crude as her father. She changed the name of the party and distanced her self from her father a few years ago as her first step at rebranding.

Yes, change the EU from within by turning it into an illiberal, misogynistic, anti-LGBTQ, antidemocratic, white European nationalist and Christian-only organization that would make her ally Putin, Orbán and Trump happy.

She doesn't fool the French who suffered during WW2 from Fascism and Naziism. That's the reason her party is repeatedly rejected by them.


"right wing is only about further enriching the already rich."

Certainly thats what it means in terms of economics and taxation etc ,
but I dont think you can pigeonhole the term to only that in this day and age.


Yes you can, because for the authoritarian patronizing, the war mongering and everything else there's the social dimension of the political spectrum.


Not everyone wants to go to college. In pockets of the U.S. including my neighborhood, college was looked down on and dropping out of high school considered cool. Snobs went to college. Even on the MC boards, there are anti-college comments.

And most Americans aren't going to work on farms picking fruit in the blazing sun for low wages.

And still not enough babies.

We need immigration. Funny how a guy who married 2 immigrants started the U.S. xenophobia. But authoritarianism is anti-immigrant.


Have you ever had a closer look into the labor market?
McDonalds nowadays requires a college degree before you can apply for a job as a burger flipper, not because a college degree would be required for the job, but because there are so many desperate Americans looking for ANY kind of job with wages that at least can pay rent that McDonalds has the luxury of only hiring people with college degrees.
What do you think will happen to these low wages if you import even more immigrants into this situation?

Face it, aside of weapons America doesn't produce anything anymore, everything more complicated than a toaster has been outsourced to Asia, Mexico, etc., the US nowadays has 90% low paid service jobs and in those jobs the employers are trying to squeeze wages ever further down through ever more immigration.


How does driving cars through markets killing pedestrians help the economy?


It grows the economy for sure but it also makes that economy dependent on migrant labor in order to sustain that growth which would include population growth. This form of economic growth only really benefits those at the top and corporations while leaving longtime residents behind. I liken it to service promos you see for your ISP, mobile, etc. where the promo ONLY applies to NEW customers only and not loyal customers.


Common folks benefit from cheaper goods and food, jobs from small businesses launched by immigrants, more doctors and other important services, economic growth which helps all Americans because that also further job creation, innovation since they invent things, etc..

Right now, there is a huge shortage of childcare workers which is forcing women out of the job market and making childcare unaffordable. Immigration is needed especially as our population ages and leaves the workforce.

I agree that there is wealth inequality, but that has to do with rich businessowners paying less to the workers, common folks paying more in taxes as rich pay less, losing benefits like pensions and the rich driving up prices in real estate by buying up the property.

Watch what happens as Trump gives his billionaires friends another tax cut, fires federal workers, and kicksout immigrant workers.


Immigration helps promote cheap manpower and labor. Capitalists want migrants from poor countries to exploit them for their businesses. Many of those migrants work under the table, are unregistered, uninsured.


The problem isn't immigration. It's greedy businessowners who refuse to pay anyone, including Americans, a decent wage. The cure is unions!

I'll add that these same businessowners exploit people in foreign countries by paying below minimum wage and without protections.

Trump is hiring a record number of multimillionaires and billionaires for government administration, therefore expect things to become much worse.


Importing hordes of immigrants in the service of (greedy) business owners provides temporary relief when a nation has a very aging workforce, but other problems may occur in the long run. Because besides the financial aspect, there are other major aspects to consider. Immigration can become a problem when migrants do not respect the local conventions, traditions and customs and when their large number poses a threat to a nation's gene pool. Chinese refuse to take in big numbers of African migrants, because they want to protect their gene pool.


When raccoons try to get on our back porch, Mama just chase them off with a broom.


Don't go hanging around my back door.


You've already been denied entry to mine and I assure you that I have no interest in yours.

I know my animus must be tempting to you Onan and I do enjoy your sense of humor. If we can put that behind us, then I think we'll get along well.


Daily Mail has an anti-migrant bias.

From French news sources, the owners of the venue are very pro-migrant and had invited them to stay until they can find living accommodations through the mayor's office or Macron. That venue has a history of being very pro-migrant and has focused on shows with a pro-migrant theme in the past. They're either postponing shows or showing them at other places.

Another source said that the theater decided to house the minors rather than have them sleep on the street in the cold. The director says they welcome the public. The mayor and national government aren't doing anything to help the minors.

(Google translate can translate the webpage.)

Why is so difficult for governments to build more permanent housing?


"Why is so difficult for governments to build more permanent housing?"

Because a corrupt government doing the bidding of the richest of the rich will take ALL money they can get their hands on and give it to the rich.

Half of the US military budget would be enough to give ALL the homeless in the US a comfortable home without any of them paying a penny in rent, but it would cut the dividends of the shareholders of the military-industrial complex in half and that's why they increase the military budget every year rather than building one single homeless shelter.


Ift would also bring down the value of houses and lower rents harming the profits of the rich.


The only place I know of where this problem has been solved is the city of Vienna, Austria, because there they have a law that 30% of all real estate must be affordable housing, meaning if the rich want to build luxury houses or convert cheap housing into luxury, they always have to build affordable housing in parallel. Plus Austria has a social security system in place that will pay the rent for anyone who doesn't have enough money for that, so that homelessness virtually doesn't exist in Austria.


"Why is so difficult for governments to build more permanent housing?"

Why is so difficult for African governments to build more permanent housing?


They didn't even have the wheel until Europeans showed up.


"These are the same people who arrogantly mock those with religious faith. Yet their adherence to the superstions of the blank slate knows no bounds."

A racist who considers itself to have religious faith.


Is that supposed to make sense?


Racism makes no sense. Racism from someone claiming to be religious makes no sense.


You should stick to copy and pasting because your "original" thoughts really aren't cutting it.


So they'd rather go bankrupt than kick them out? Leftism is genuinely a mental disorder.


These are the same people who arrogantly mock those with religious faith. Yet their adherence to the superstions of the blank slate knows no bounds.


What would Jesus do? Certainly not toss poor isolated foreign minors into the cold winter streets for a few euros. You don't understand the teachings of Christ. You're placing money above people.

You also don't understand French society which is more socialist and pro-common Joe than the U.S.. Are you aware that a private company cannot just layoff a worker because having a job is considered a right in France? And a company closing because of bankruptcy can't until they arrange to find jobs for the workers. It's a totally different mindset than an American one.


You love to hear yourself talk, eh?


Your Ad Hominem = You agree with me, but you're too small to admit it.

The theater is PRACTICING Christianity by helping their neighbors. Love thy neighbor!


The book titles The Strange Death of Europe and The French Suicide perfectly summarize the situation in France.
