MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why have Jews been hated/expelled/killed...

Why have Jews been hated/expelled/killed across numerous countries throughout history?

Throughout my 12 years of schooling I was told that Jews are just a decent, caring, sharing people who have been victimised for absolutely no reason. Is this the case, or is there more to it?

As someone of Jewish descent (my great-great grandparents arrived from Hungary in the early 1900s) I'm curious, and can take the punches.


Some people think that they fuck with the currency to make themselves rich without producing anything or creating a service.


They got kicked out of England that one time fir clipping silver coins




Cromwell's biggest mistake was readmitting Jews to Great Britain after centuries of expulsion.


According to Grok...

"The historical persecution of Jewish communities across various countries is a complex and multifaceted issue with roots stretching back centuries. Here are some key factors that have contributed to this phenomenon:

Religious Differences:

Early Christianity: Jews were often seen as the killers of Christ in Christian theology, which led to anti-Jewish sentiment. This was compounded by the Church's doctrine that Christianity had superseded Judaism.

Muslim Rule: In some Muslim regions, while Jews were sometimes treated better than under Christian rule, they were still subject to dhimmi status, which included certain restrictions and taxes not imposed on Muslims.

Economic Factors:
Middle Ages: Jews, often barred from owning land or engaging in many professions, frequently became moneylenders. This role made them both indispensable and resented, especially when economic crises occurred, leading to accusations of usury.

Economic Scapegoating: During economic downturns, Jews were often blamed for economic problems, leading to pogroms or expulsions.
Political Manipulation:

Royal Decrees: Monarchs would sometimes expel Jewish populations to seize their wealth or to distract from domestic issues.

Nationalism and State Formation: With the rise of nation-states, there was a push for homogeneity which sometimes targeted minorities, including Jews, for not fitting the new national identity.

Social and Cultural Isolation:
Ghettos: Jews were often forced to live in segregated areas, which both protected them from direct violence but also isolated them culturally and socially, fostering stereotypes and misunderstandings.

Cultural Alienation: The distinctiveness of Jewish customs, language (Yiddish), and religious practices could lead to fear or suspicion among the majority population.
Conspiracy Theories and Blood Libels:

Blood Libel: Accusations that Jews used Christian blood for religious rituals were common, leading to mass hysteria and violence...


...The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Falsified documents claiming a Jewish conspiracy for world domination, which fueled anti-Semitism in the 20th century.

Modern Anti-Semitism:
Racial Theories: With the advent of pseudo-scientific racial theories in the 19th and 20th centuries, Jews were often depicted as a separate, inferior race, culminating in Nazi ideology and the Holocaust.

Zionism and Israel: Post-World War II, anti-Semitism sometimes intertwined with criticism of Israel or Zionism, though this is a complex issue where legitimate political critique can sometimes mask or morph into anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Legal and Institutional Discrimination:
Legislation in various times and places curtailed Jewish rights, from medieval sumptuary laws to modern discriminatory practices like quotas in education or professions.

This overview does not excuse or justify the hatred or violence directed towards Jews but seeks to explain some of the historical contexts and mechanisms through which such attitudes were perpetuated. It's essential to recognize that while these factors contributed to anti-Semitism, the responsibility for acts of hatred, violence, and genocide lies with those who perpetrate or condone them, not with the victims."


All AIs, including Grok, are compromised.


This Grok-generated answer studiously avoids offering reasons for which Jews might have been expelled from country after country, preferring to offer a laundry list of persecutions suffered by Jews. Looks like we're going to raise yet another generation of students brainwashed into the "And then one day, for absolutely no reason at all..." mindset.


It's human nature to divide into groups. The "Ingroup" treats themselves better than the "Outgroup".

Jews are a small minority in numerous countries around the world, aka: "Outgroup", in most places. So are Romani (gypsies) who are also persecuted, but they're in fewer countries.


Historically over 90% of all wars have been fought for religious reasons, often not even one religion against another but different denominations of the same religion against each other.
Obviously in these wars a lot of people got killed, almost all of them poor people and the leaders always needed a justification for all those dead people, at best a flawless victory over some other religion.
Jews have always been one of the smallest religions with groups of them scattered all over the world, being a small minority everywhere, so whenever a leader of whichever religion needed a short and easy victory against another religion, the Jews have always been the easiest target, present everywhere in the world and easy to beat.

This kinda ended in 1945, because the whole world was totally disgusted with what the Nazis had done to the Jews and a lot of countries, especially the US, have promised to help the Jews from then on, which especially the US do to this day.
Doesn't prevent the Muslims from seeing them as a prime target, only that since the US provides massive support for the Jews in Israel, the Muslims are having a hard time in fighting the Jews now, which is why the Muslims are now fighting more in between different denominations of Islam, which have in comparison become the easier target.

In short, it's what religion has always done and still does throughout the world, or in even shorter:
Religion is the root of all evil in this world.

Jews being mostly in trading and banking also has historic reasons.
In the early 20th century and leading into both world wars Jews were increasingly forbidden to run "normal" businesses, only trading and banking remained available to them, because those were types of businesses in those times that everbody thought would be the least important.
Just look at all those Wild West movies, what role do the banks and bankers play in them, other than weak people getting robbed all the time and what role do the farmers and cowboys play?
Building factories to produce stuff was considered far more important and far more profitable than trading and banking.
Not a miracle that by the time money became the most important factor in the economy there were Jews sitting in almost all leading positions of trading and banking.
Not the fault of the Jews, they were literally forced into it.


"Niles' Weekly Register, Volume 49 had the following to say about the Rothschilds' influence on international high finance in 1836:

The Rothschilds are the wonders of modern banking ... we see the descendants of Judah, after a persecution of two thousand years, peering above kings, rising higher than emperors, and holding a whole continent in the hollow of their hands. The Rothschilds govern a Christian world. Not a cabinet moves without their advice. They stretch their hand, with equal ease, from [Saint] Petersburgh to Vienna, from Vienna to Paris, from Paris to London, from London to Washington. Baron Rothschild, the head of the house, is the true king of Judah, the prince of the captivity, the Messiah so long looked for by this extraordinary people. He holds the keys of peace or war, blessing or cursing. ... They are the brokers and counselors of the kings of Europe and of the republican chiefs of America. What more can they desire?"


"Building factories to produce stuff was considered far more important"

It is!
The world has gone crazy!


Still not the fault of the Jews.


I agree
and all non jews are free to get into "useless admin non creative money work" and many have .


That includes all Jews not being among the handful of owners of big banks, because even if they have a job in a bank, for their employees Jewish banks don't pay any higher wages than any other bank does.
Do you believe 4.2 million Jews in the US are all super rich?


No I'm sure many are as poor as the rest of us . One was reduced to working in real estate in a sitcom I saw


You are aware that what you see in the media plus everything you see on social media is less than 0.001% of the population?
Very few people are visible in public and the ones not visible in public are the poor ones.

Jews have on average less poverty among them and a higher percentage of above average earners, which probably is the result of Jews having a community that help each other and Jews pushing their children harder into getting a good education, while Christians and other religious groups are rather selfish, still over 30% of all Jews make less than $50,000 per year.


I feel you're determined to have an argument with me despite me doing nothing but agreeing with you .
must be tiring


Actually I'm not even clear with myself and that might be why I keep replying to the topic.
On the one hand I'm not just an atheist, but downright anti theist, therefore Jews are for me just as bad as any other religion, on the other hand I'm German and grew up in the 60s and 70s when Germany was in overdrive mode of somehow making up for what the Nazis have done to the Jews.
But then I see what Israel is doing in Gaza these days and that throws me back to "religion is the root of all evil in this world".
In short, I'm not sure why I keep replying, maybe because I'm looking for more input to make up my own mind.


haha fair enough

I dont hate jews just because jews or money or whatever , but I do think they are on the wrong side of the gaza war .

but the history of that conflict is mindbogglingly complicated and doese inded seem to come down to two different religions fighting


The first long term girlfriend I had about 35 years ago was a Jewish single mother of two.
She was a very sweet person who had a real hard life because the father of her children had run away to a different country to avoid paying for his children.
I've had a deep insight into the Jewish community, i.e. the security they have to setup around their institutions and I've also seen and heard what average Jews think about their religion.
They have a common saying, don't remember the exact words, but something like "the end of the world will come when all Jews stop sinning and that day won't come".

In other words, I don't hate the people believing in one or another religion, I just can't stand religion in general and the horrible things it makes some people do in the name of their religion.


They were troublemakers.


Tell us more.


You're a bigot!


Stop trolling.


[–] tvfan (13623) a day ago

DEI/Woke eventually turns everything to shit.

It's an observation since those who hate equality, justice and diversity = bigots

Why are you defending anti-Semitism?


More trolling...


Because Jews have been a minority group in numerous countries throughout history.

It's common for slimy leaders to look for scapegoats to blame their own incompetence or gain support from bigoted constituents.

If you look at history, minority groups are usually targeted.


Usually, eh? And why are there exceptions? Why aren't that Amish subject to the same derision as gypsies?


The Amish fled persecution. Many more Romani than Amish.


In the United States there are approximately 1 million people of "Romani lineage", most of whom would be indistinguishable from your other neighbors in appearance and action. The Amish on the other hand are visibly different from their neighbors, leaving no doubt as to their status as outsiders. Given those two facts - that the Amish are even more of a minority, and that they're clearly identifiable as such - how do you account for the fact that the Amish don't face scapegoating and bigotry?

The answer is obvious, they live in a manner that in no way conflicts with that of the majority population, and in fact hearkens back to the same roots, cultural, religious, and racial, of that group. The Amish are white Christians who improve their communities. Jews are quite the opposite.


The Amish fled persecution. They've been persecuted in the U.S. also. Their form of Christianity is far from the mainstream.

Nevertheless, Romani are stigmatized. Historically, Poles, Italians, and Irish were persecuted too.

Persecution isn't historically related to "conflict".


If you're going to define "persecution" that broadly, then we're all victims. So I guess it's time to ignore all such complaints.


One reason is perhaps that Jews are often amongst the brightest, most successful and most creative of peoples and others just can't cope.


That too might explain the rampant anti-Whiteism that permeates Western culture.


If you say so.


I do.


White Identity Politics.


From your lips to God's ears.

Note, however, the anti-whiteness implicit in your comment. You're so comfortable in it that you don't even know it's there.


rampant anti-Whiteism = KKK ideology aka White Identity Politics


You're violently anti-White.


And no surprise there. In fact white privilege is still the order of the day - and rolling back DEI for instance just shows the attempt to sustain it.


No one has "white privilege" any more than a Chinaman living in Chongqing has "Chinese privilege".


etc etc


You're quickly descending into a parody.


Addressing me again rather than what I say? Oh dear.


But you didn't say anything, you only cited ... as usual.

You never say anything of your own ... you always regurgitate from other sources regardless whether you cite them or quote them.


I've pointed this out as well a few times and I think you responded to some of those posts. Conversation with flimflam could be more enjoyable if the discussion is with him rather than whatever search engine he's using at the time.


If he cited one link once in a while that he actually read “completely”, it may be worth a rebuttal, otherwise, it’s futile trying to argue with propagandists that only reads the biased headlines.


it’s futile trying to argue with propagandists that only reads the biased headlines.

Just like you did on a different thread here of late when you referenced MSN, Yahoo, ABC, NBC, FOX, NewsNation, New York Post, etc when it came to a video you wanted to accept?


You never say anything of your own

Please read my threads and don't offer such terminological inexectitudes.

If he cited one link once in a while that he actually read “completely”, it may be worth a rebuttal, otherwise, it’s futile trying to argue

You do try, but in every case it is just your (always unsourced) opinion. Your regular rudeness, of course, doesn't count.


Just like you did on a different thread here of late when you referenced MSN, Yahoo, ABC, NBC, FOX, NewsNation, New York Post, etc when it came to a video you wanted to accept?

You normally are. I'm just enjoying the irony. Some might call you a hypocrite.

You mean the video that you leftoids refuse to accept by denying its authenticity even though your precious MSM posted it everywhere? … Hypocrisy indeed ... Thanks for the confirmation.

Gaslighting, Deflection, Evasion and Hypocrisy noted.


Yes; the one that in on all those MSM media outlets which you condemn and dismiss elsewhere outright.

you leftoids refuse to accept by denying its authenticity

The figures look authentic, but the video is fake. Can you show otherwise? No - and you won't.

Gaslighting, Deflection, Evasion and Hypocrisy noted.

That is lot to claim of me here. Please example each - but you won't,


And yet, I haven't condemned or dismissed any "videos" ... Nice try.


No, indeed; you swallowed it whole lol

The video is 100% real,


In this instance the MSM has been lazy and failed to double check material. Personally I am happy to admit when things are got wrong.

No examples of my Gaslighting, Deflection, Evasion and Hypocrisy one notes. Is there a problem.?


Thanks for confirming that I point out the facts regardless of source.


The fact is that the video has been proven false and not "100% real" as you said. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Still waiting for those examples..


The fact checker didn’t prove anything in regards to the authenticity of the video, it was disputing when the events of the video occurred vs when it was re-uploaded to social media months later ... Keep up.

Oh, and even if the video had somehow proven to be fake; it would confirm my claim that the MSM lies 99% of the time … yes, embarrassing yourself indeed. lol


Flimflam = Wrong + Smug



"we’re taking a moment to shine the spotlight on the mighty Melton and how it got so darn thick"


So lame


The fact checker

First off, the Independent is a newspaper not a fact checker. What you see is simply responsible and good journalism.

It was disputing when the events of the video occurred... and showed it was falsely connected with the events it purported to show. Thank you for agreeing with me.

it would confirm my claim that the MSM lies 99% of the time

It more confirms that, surprise, the MSM can make mistakes and not fact check matters as it ought. Then the Independent link I gave you is a sign of the MSM correcting itself. The fact is that you rushed in and used the despised MSM to make a false claim about the video.

Still waiting for those examples lol


First off, the Independent is a newspaper not a fact checker.

Their article title starts with the words: “Fact Check” … so yes, it’s their version of a fact checker.

It was disputing when the events of the video occurred... and showed it was falsely connected with the events it purported to show. Thank you for agreeing with me.

lmao, You confirmed my previous statement. You lie worse than skavau.

It more confirms that, surprise, the MSM can make mistakes and not fact check matters as it ought.

Translation: They Lie … Thanks for the confirmation.

Semantics, Gaslighting and Deflection noted.


?Their article title starts with the words: “Fact Check” … so yes, it’s their version of a fact checker.

But it is not a fact checking website, just journalists doing what they ought..

Just I said before, The Independent was disputing when the events of the video occurred... and showed it was falsely associated with the events it purported to show. So, as an actual video of those events it was not "100% genuine" as you claimed.

" surprise, the MSM can make mistakes and not fact check matters as it ought. "

Translation: They Lie

The 'translation' is all your own. And as we can see from all their listed sources, The Independent is not lying, just very inconvenient to your original credulity.

Semantics, Gaslighting and Deflection noted.

As before, when I didn't get them either, I await specific examples of each.


Conversation with flimflam could be more enjoyable

Not so enjoyable as your conversations with others ... no search engine required

I am surprised as with your preoccupations elsewhere it must be hard. To post here at times. I was assured lately (was it by you) that 'a description is not an insult'. So, mind if I call SemiOnanist?


That's a troll that copied my username after being banned here.

You aren't original for bringing this up and are less intelligent than I thought if you didn't quickly realize that it is someone's troll sock there.

Don't worry though; I won't accuse you of an ad hominem or anything.


That's OK then, if you say so. Thank you for tossing off this quick explanation.


Come now, you're not so dumb to think that poster is legitimate...are you?

I know Reading is mid tier, but you're currently performing at a Community College of Brixton level.


Didn't I say, just before 'OK then, if you say so'?

I know Reading is mid tier, but you're currently performing at a Community College of Brixton level.

Oh dear. Cum now, how are you currently performing today?


you didn't say anything, you only cited

Sometimes the links speak for themselves.


You replied to the wrong person.


Corrected, thank you.


wait a sec
"Jews are successful, others just can't cope."
"That might explain the rampant anti-Whiteism that permeates Western culture"

How did you get from A to B ?
Who is perpetrating this alleged "anti-Whiteism" ?


Whites too are bright, creative, and successful. Given the rampant anti-whiteness of today's Western cultures, perhaps it's (((others))) who can't cope.


How bright, smart and creative people are doesn't depend on their religion or their nationality, it depends on their parents during early childhood.
It's a well researched science fact that the human brain at birth has far more capacity than later on, and that doesn't mean volume to store data, but variety of skills it can learn, the brain simply doesn't know what kind of task it will be presented with in life and is prepared for anything.
When a child grows up the brain figures out what kind of task it is presented with, it builds and extends the parts of the brain where this kind of task is processed and all the parts of the brain that apparently aren't needed will shrink or even vanish.

Children are naturally curious but depend on encouragement from the parents, meaning if the parents keep encouraging the child to explore and experiment with about anything and show an interest in everything the child is doing, the child will become very smart, but if parents patronize their child, forbid things without providing a reason, telling the child everything without letting the child figure things out on its own, such a child will become a dumb adult.
There's a video somewhere on YT including explanation, where a mother watches a very young child playing with toys, the mother keeps encouraging the child to experiment with the toys and the child is happily playing, then the mother takes out her mobile and does a phone call, obviously getting distracted from what the child is doing. Takes only a minute or so until the child loses interest in playing with the toys and shows emotions between disappointed, mad and sad.

Elsewhere you can find statistics saying, children who had from their parents during the first 3 years of their lives a lot of attention, being encouraged to figure things out on their own, become later in life the leaders of society, while children who get patronized and presented the solution to everything ready made from the parents become the subordinates in low paid jobs, simply because they haven't learned how to figure out things on their own.

Jews simply have a community caring for their children while letting them have as much freedom to explore on their own as possible, that's why adult Jews are on average smarter.


"How bright, smart and creative people are doesn't depend on their religion or their nationality, it depends on their parents"

You should have stopped there. Biology is far and away the number one driver contributing to the tool kit that every human possesses. What you're talking about are likely outcomes when the biology is equal. An Ashkenazi Jew, East Asian, or Northern European who receives the attention you discussed will be more likely to become a "leader of society" than a sub-Saharan or mestizo.

And even when you discuss the advantages of the aforementioned races, all the attention in the world can't make up for IQs on the left side of the bell curve. My cousin is a highly intelligent, successful man. Military career, business owner, dental practice, financial background. His wife is similarly a driven, above average achiever. They adopted three Caucasian children more than 20 years ago and gave those kids every possible advantage and opportunity you can name. Music, languages, travel, adventure, and schooling. Unfortunately, none of them have been able to succeed at much of anything. Once they reached college age, all three of them dropped out of school multiple times. Had my cousin and his wife birthed three kids it's extremely likely they would have inherited the innate intelligence of their parents and made much more out of the opportunities given.

There is indeed great importance attached to family and community formation when it comes to the development of stable, successful children - which is why the leftist assault on the family, via the emphasis on prying women out of the home, and the leftist assault on our communities, by flooding them with genetic and cultural aliens, has wrought so much damage in the West - but in the end it's the people (biology) that matters most.
