MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why are the working classes such terribl...

Why are the working classes such terrible people?

I have tried to connect with working class elements of my extended family, but they a) despise my immediates and I for being decent and successful in life, and b) are more interested in boorish antics like drinking, taking drugs, fighting, vandalising, and being promiscuous, than establishing any kind of meaningful human connection. This conduct extends to their wider communities, where egregious activities like pimping and dog-fighting are common.

I've washed my hands of them, and feel justified in doing so. Just why are working class people so awful?


you should talk to them about buttplugs.


Not my thing, but you do you.


yeah, especially at thanksgiving, its an ice breaker. you can say that drumstick looks like a buttplug I have. everyone will start laughing.


YES! Less dog fights, more butt plugs!


A German economist has explained it once in very clear terms.
If you're trying to force something that is logically impossible, there will come up unforeseen consequences in totally unpredictables aspects of your life.

The logic impossibility is the belief that
"Everybody can get rich if only they work hard enough."
A German comedian explained that one by saying
"Anyone can get rich, but not everyone. Not many people can understand the difference between anyone and everyone on an itellectual level."

If you strongly believe all you have to do to get rich is work hard enough, you're working your a$$ off but still can't even pay rent on time, and you insist that your initial belief must be true no matter what, you will get to consequences like alcohol and drug abuse, being aggressive up to violent fighting and believing in loads of absurd conspiracy theories.


They always speak highly of you.
