UK Threatening Americans over Online Posts
So the Nanny Staters are gonna try to jail Americans that talk about their rape gangs.
I think someone needs to remind the Brits that they don't have an empire anymore.
So the Nanny Staters are gonna try to jail Americans that talk about their rape gangs.
I think someone needs to remind the Brits that they don't have an empire anymore.
And they also need to be reminded that unlike them, we have a 2nd Amendment.
shareDid they forget that
a.) we don't answer to their authority anymore,
b.) we have guns, and
c.) we have freedom of speech over here?
So they can threaten Americans over here in America all they like, but if they try coming over to America to arrest us, they're gonna end up getting more than they bargained for.
It is Americans in the U.K that may be affected by this.
You must follow the law wherever you go if you do not like the local prison. Nothing new
Just like political bribery, in most forms, is illegal in the U.K. and most other first-world nations, but not so much in the U.S. So you can forget to have the same influence on policy change with donations, super PACS, etc.
Much of the reason why the U.S. is only number 29 on the democracy index.
And yet people from nearly every corner of the globe are clamoring to get into America with the U.S. now home to more international migrants than any other country, and more than the next four countries—Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United Kingdom—combined. Apparently they’re not deterred by rankings in the democracy index.
shareThat is not so strange given the size of the U.S population and that it is geographically among the closest first world countries to a very large part of the Second and third world.
Most americans are still more stressed than the average Joe in most other first world countries. Most Americans can not even put up 1K if it was needed. There is not even a single U.S state where the average child can expect to see their grandfather turn 79. That is really something when we have 50 areas to choose from.
Oh, I thought we were discussing the potential and vibrance of American democracy which seems to attract people from around the globe in vast numbers that swamp every other nation on your index. I’m confident that no one anywhere on Earth measures their country’s merit by whether their grandfather was 79 or 83 at his last birthday party. You’re digging too deep for what amounts to an, “I just hate the U.S.A” opinion.
shareI do not hate the u.s. Funny how you went there so fast. Considering i have not even mentioned half of all U.S aspects, what is your definition of hating the U.S?
How long people live on average in a area/country is a pretty big indicator of median life quality. Especially a 4 year gap. Your intentionally making yourself more ignorant than you are here.
Democracy bit was just an example of different laws. In this case a very bad one for the U.S, but there are many superior U.S laws as well compared to any country.
Well perhaps I judged your comment prematurely. I apologize for that. I find that people gratuitously criticize the U.S. at MovieChat and many have never even been to the country. That being said, I disagree that life expectancy is a good measure for life quality. I don’t think the added 2.2 years of longevity in a place like Cuba (assuming the statistic is reliable) reflects a better life than available in America. The mass exodus of Cubans from the island decade after decade after decade belies any any such claim
shareGuns you use to shoot yourself. Dumb is as dumb does.
shareI'd like to see them try.
shareIt has always been the case that people can be extradited for libel if the conduct meets certain criteria. Recently some comments about UK politicians, imho, approach that threshold.