MovieChat Forums > Politics > We need to have a serious discussion abo...

We need to have a serious discussion about this.

Black Males:

6.5% of the population
94% can't read proficiently at 18
63% dont work full time
72% illegitimacy rate
33% are convicted felons
50% of the male prison population
commit 60% of murders

But white people, racism and guns are the problem?


There's been quite a few threads about this sort of thing.

I'm curious where you got the 33% convicted felon stat though. I was under the impression it's closer to 15%, which is still exceptionally high as a proportion.


Don't you think this is systemically enforced and unavoidable?
It's not the skin color that makes the difference, it's the living conditions they grow up in.
The poorer the people are the higher the crime rates, that's valid throughout the entire world across all ethnic groups of people.
Have a look at the Favelas in Brazil, where the majority of the people living there are white and all live in poverty, where crime rates are far higher than among black people in the US and there's no difference in crime rates between white and black people.

What do you think would you personally be today, if you had grown up in a poor neighborhood with parents who were barely able to put food on the table, who couldn't get you into a good school, let alone let you have a higher education?
What do you think would you personally be today, if your income wasn't enough to pay rent anywhere, if you were working like 60-80 hours a week and still living in a tent on a sidewalk because you cannot afford more? Do you honestly believe you'd be a respectful person friendly greeting the guy with the Rolex at his wrist getting out of his luxury car? Or can you imagine you'd be tempted to steal his car and his watch?
What do you think how you would behave today, if you were the brother of a woman who from early teenage years onwards has rarely been treated as more than a cheap sex slave by white men?

If you don't like this outcome, you'll have to provide equal chances for children of all families, by supporting the children of poor families with so much money that they can go to a good school and can get a higher education independent of whether the parents can pay for that.
As long as you don't do that you'll remain in a situation where the children of the poor grow up into becoming poor people themselves with all the negative consequences that has.

Are you at least aware that locking someone up for having committed a crime out of poverty costs you as a tax payer more to maintain the prisons than it would have cost you financing a good education for that person from tax money?
The only difference is calculating the expenses in advance, rather than first saving money by not giving them an education and then pay the bigger bills for building and maintaining ever more prisons.


THAT bullshit hasn't worked since the late 60s


I don't believe those stats are real.


You might want to click on the link and educate yourself then.


Just because something is on X does not mean it is true. It is a site where anyone can post any old thing.


That's doesnt refute anything in the link. Read through that thread it's all verifiable information.


A shame that the link didn't offer verification then. I am not saying it is unnecessarily untrue, just that X is not known for balance and accuracy.And you haven't added any since.


as usual you didnt read the link retard. That thread goes on for dozens of posts beyond the first one.


I get to see only one as I am not a member, and even then there is no guarantee that the thread represents anything more than an echo chamber. As I said just because something is on X does not mean it is true. It is a site where anyone can post any old thing.


Oh dear, charming as usual.


Your loss, like I said all the info there can be found online.

Stop acting like a retard and I'll stop calling you one.


all the info there can be found online.

But nothing from you here, just a link to an unmoderated site...

Once again; I am simply saying X is unreliable. I actually don't dispute that blacks have worse outcomes by several measures in the US btw, for reasons including environment, and institutional racism, as well as their own culture. But yes, white people and guns can also be a problem.


Oh dear oh dear.


If you want to keep your head in the sand by all means, please continue. There's plenty of good information on X. You do your own research to see how accurate it is. The info provided in the OP is quite accurate.


There's plenty of good information on X.

And plenty which is reprehensible racist garbage.

Many of the statistics given (even though now, after checking I have found inaccuracies - exactly proving my point about X) can be taken as arguments against white privilege and institutional racism, and for better education etc as much as anything else. There is no obvious connection between whites and guns, except in revealing the politics of the OP there. So thank you for bringing them to our attention and asking for a serious discussion. Which it won't get here..


Happy to help.


Glad to temper your enthusiasm.


You havent done anything but throw a temper tantrum. If you want to be more specific feel free.


lol OK I'll buy it for a dollar. Please example where on this thread I have evidently lost my temper. It seems to me suggesting to you, quite reasonably, that X is not an entirely reliable source was what started you off. Temper tantrums are, btw, more readily associated with insults, like 'retard' for example. See what I did there?


Discuss the topic or get to stepping.


No example then.


example of what


See just above. Something you actually replied to!


And I said discuss the topic or you wont get another response from me.


Still no example then of me supposedly in a temper... no surprise. Just you projecting.

I have already discussed the topic with you; see above. Have you forgotten? Thank you anyway.


You can thank LBJ for that shit. That asshole was the one who created the welfare system that destroyed the black community. They were actually doing well before he introduced a system where they rewarded unemployed, unwed black mothers, and the system has been exploited ever since, just so the Democraps could get votes and "keep black people in their place."


It's posts like these that make this such a garbage site, full of racists, homophobes, misogynistic (how odd, it won't let me type the noun), conspiracy theorists, Russiaphiles--I don't come here often, but when I do, I don't stick around long, and often feel the need to take a shower.


This is factual info. If the truth triggers you then the problem is you.


These "facts" are from a fascist web-site. At least your screen name is accurate.🤣


Already abandoned the topic huh? Discuss the facts or stick your head back in the sand.


Yes sir! Whatever you say, sir! (fascist)


Run along now you little effeminate.


if you want as "serious discussion" as the title suggests you would provide sources for your statistics


They are in the link. And dont tell me there are no sources. Read the entire thread which goes on for about 24 individual posts.



hmm , thats lead me to this article I think you'll find interesting

Ideally i'd still like to know where these stsats actually reside, we're still looking at them through a clearly biased website , but i'm not suggesting theyre lying


Feel free to take a hike snowflake.


The OP literally wants to help the black population. The left refuses to have a conversation about the true factors that are harming the black population because that would destroy their narrative that it’s the white mans fault. You people are disgusting.


“It’s Socioeconomics!”

What could cause this insane overabundance of black violence? Those in the media will tell you it’s #socioeconomics; a byproduct of income inequality. But, every study on the matter shows POOR WHITES ARE LESS #VIOLENT THAN EVEN THE RICHEST BLACKS


Once again it's time to share this pithy summation of the topic.


that's a banger


If only 'economic factors' had anything to do with IQ. During a child's development, factors that contribute to intelligence include instead their home environment and parenting, education and availability of learning resources, and healthcare and nutrition.


Don't completely dismiss the socioeconomic factor. It is there. However, it's far from the complete story, as they try to claim, and simple statistics bear this out. For example, let’s start by looking at U.S. demographics by race proportions. The Hispanic population in the United States is about 19.5%, the black population is 13.7%, and "white", a category I personally reject as legitimate (the reality is much more complex), stands at 60.9%, leaving 5.9% as “other” (e.g., Indigenous, Asian, Polynesian, etc.)

Here are those stats of population demographics in short order:

Hispanic: 19.5%
Black: 13.7%
White: 60.9%
Other: 5.9%

A ratio of 3:2:10:1.

More specifically for this topic, though, 6% of the population the vast majority of “blacks” that commit violent crimes, are black males, so if we were to shift the numbers and move black females to Other this becomes a ratio of:

Hispanic: 19.5%
Black (Males): 6%
White: 60.9%
Other (including Black Females): 13.6%

A ratio of 3:1:10:2.

Note: it’s actually much less than 1% of that 6%, but I won’t get into that aspect here other than to say it’s actually a much, much smaller percentage of individuals committing these crimes, not the entire 6% (which is around 20 million people).

And yet, there's the following regarding violent crimes committed:

Hispanic: 14%
Black: 53% (almost all of which are male)
White: 25%
Other: 8%

A ratio of 2:7:3:1.

Now let’s look at the poverty rates for these categories:

Hispanic: 16.6%
Black: 20.6%
White: 9.5%
Other: 15.8% (this is an average of all remaining demographics, within which Asians are on par with Whites poverty-wise, while Indigenous are 24.2%)

A ratio of 1.5:2:1:1.5.

All of these factors together produce a ratio of: 3 (Hispanic):23 (Black):1 (White):3 (Other)

♫ One of these things are not like the other ♫

Considering the poverty ratio for “whites” is about half of what it is for blacks, and a third less than the other groupings, it’s reasonable to conclude that it does to some extent worsen violent crime (although it probably feeds more into non-violent crime, with other components comprising the more violent variety, I didn’t endeavor to get those statistics). But the jaw-dropping disproportion of the above ratio clearly suggests that something much deeper than merely socioeconomic factors is at play here.

There's a reason they try to frame this by comparing "whites" to "blacks" while leaving Hispanics out completely. If this were purely socioeconomic, why isn't the Hispanic violent crime rate anywhere nearly as high as with blacks, especially since their rates of poverty are similar? Or look at Indigenous, who have the highest poverty rate. Why aren’t their violent crime rates so high?

My experiences performing videography for the KC Freedom Project indicate to me that “race”, a term I also reject due to its drastic oversimplification, isn’t the causative factor, especially compared to other countries or historically. Black violent crime (specifically black males) this extraordinarily high is purely a modern U.S. phenomenon. Statistically, race as a cause doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

So, what drives this?

Culture. It’s an evolution of human behavior (“gangsta culture” if we want to put a loose name to it) comprised of a complex myriad of pressures over many decades both within and upon that segment of the population that gets propagated via social exposure from parent to child and from peer to peer. And until a concerted effort from parties, both outside and within, is made to curtail this trend, it’s going to continue to perpetuate in perpetuity. So, while I do think socioeconomic pressures do amplify crime to a certain degree across all segments of any demographic, it’s a small factor compared to the true nature of the cultural forces driving black on black crime.
Never believe or disbelieve. Always question. Rebuke bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


Thank you for the effort that you put into this post. Your thoughtfulness is evident.

"Black violent crime (specifically black males) this extraordinarily high is purely a modern U.S. phenomenon. Statistically, race as a cause doesn’t hold up to scrutiny."

I was following your reasoning well until this part. I'm not saying you're wrong, but what is the data or indicator that you're basing these claims on? I cant, for example, envision a continent worse off than Africa and the next worst off, coincidentally from what you were describing, is the largely Hispanic continent of South America.


Fair point, but to clarify I was assuming first-world civilizations (I should have specified that my thoughts fell within a framework of "all, or most, other conditions being equal"), those comparable to the U.S., specifically concerning murders committed by actual citizens with a lineage in the country, as opposed to immigrants or illegals, which has become a worldwide problem. The African and South American regions are "developing" or third-world, which in my view is a separate thread of discussion (and for which socioeconomic conditions may or may not be more of an influence), invalidating first-world comparisons.

My statement you quoted spawned in part from the fact that Hispanic crime, at least as it's reported by the statistics available to us, isn’t nearly as unusually high in the U.S. like it is in black urban communities (and even then, strictly just in those urban communities), as described in my previous post. So why is violent crime so bad in areas of South America when despite having the same poverty level as blacks in the U.S. Hispanic violent crime rates aren’t anywhere near as bad? Well, it’s a third-world region fraught with drug cartels, rampantly corrupt and weak law enforcement, and yes widespread poverty. It’s difficult to compare the U.S. to it, but what this discrepancy does lead us away from is race being a factor (at least regarding Hispanics in Southern America in poverty as compared to Hispanics in poverty in the U.S.) as opposed to a natural corelative byproduct.

Something I’ve witnessed firsthand while working with KC Freedom Project is: remove a black criminal from their previous urban environmental influences, and their behavior, mindset, impulses, proclivities, goals, etc. all change drastically. This indicates that their genetics isn’t a contributing factor for criminal behavior. Their environment, the culture drilled into them as a child, is the problem, which naturally propagates generationally. There’s a clear distinction between being culturally “black” and physically black. They are two very different things. Of course, there will be a correlation because black or “gangsta” culture spreads, logically, between those of similar genetic background as they procreate and congregate, but it does so simply because they’re in social proximity, not due to genetic forces. So, while it’s correlation, it’s definitely not causation i.e., they don’t commit more murders because they have constituent genetic components that also produce dark skin. They commit more murders because that’s what they were conditioned environmentally to do, because that’s the culture they were raised in.

Looking into this further, though, I must amend my previous statement that you quoted regarding black gang culture being uniquely U.S. For example, in the United Kingdom 13% of murder suspects were black compared to 3% of the population (even more especially, London where 48% of murders were committed by the city's 3% black population). Outside of the black citizenry it gets complicated due to the high influx of non-native immigrants from third-world regions in recent years. There's also a cultural link between black populations in the U.S. and England, so I'd surmise without actually investigating that there's some cross-contamination, so to speak, although keep in mind that's just my uninformed speculation. Some of that has migrated to Australia as well, it looks like. So, I should probably expand my statement from the “U.S.” to “Western society”.

But let’s address my statement you quoted further as it specifically pertains to the black U.S. population, something that narrows down the 6% black male statistic more accurately. This will put it in a different light, and is what I was alluding to in that quote from my previous post. We can’t actually assign blame for the more than half of all murders committed by black males to all 6% of black males, and here’s why: The number of black individuals arrested for “murder and nonnegligent manslaughter” in 2019 according to the FBI database (we could do this for other years to see if it's roughly the same—also, there may be other stats out there that vary) was 4,078 (which was 51.3% of U.S. homicides). With an estimated black population of around 46.8 million in 2019, the percentage of the black population involved in these crimes is less than 1%. In fact, it’s 0.0087%. That means it wasn’t, of course, all black citizens who committed more than half of all U.S. murders (i.e., that 6% stat is misleading). In 2019 only 0.0087% of that 6% did. Which is an extremely small 0.0012% of the total 328.3 million U.S. population in 2019.


While this isn’t an exhaustive study by any means, and little more than layman armchair postulating, that statistic, along with my own personal experiences dealing with urban communities, makes it clear to me that the issue can’t be genetically driven, and is much more about cultural conditioning. This exercise also generated a statistic that’s even more mind-boggling. I mean, 0.0012% of the total population is committing more than half of all homicides in the U.S. That’s an interesting statistic. And it’s probably even less than that since some portion of those crimes will have been committed by the same people.

Also, this is interesting:
Never believe or disbelieve. Always question. Rebuke bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


The left doesn’t want to have a conversation about that because that would involve owning up to hard truths that don’t fit their narrative. The left loves having the black population in poverty so they can have another fake crusade to fight for. It’s really sick.


The Confederates are alive and well. They've done wonders with Mothers of Confederacy and undoing Lincoln's party from within after switching in the South. They've even recruited Django Unchained black masters to join the fray. They may not be chained much anymore but the Confederates can do everything possible for them to have little opportunity or funding or proper housing and upbringing.
