Dear Sooners,
How does it feel to have an attorney general who thinks it should be legal for cops to slam elderly cancer patients to the ground?
shareHow does it feel to have an attorney general who thinks it should be legal for cops to slam elderly cancer patients to the ground?
shareYeah, you see?? You need to tell the complete story and not just cherry pick the information in an effort to slam the attorney general over it?? What did the cancer patient do that warranted this because you don't just randomly do this for no good reason unless it was provoked?
shareThe cancer patient lightly tapped the cop. Are you saying that is justification for the cop slamming him to the ground hard enough to cause a brain bleed?
shareThere are videos all over the internet of cops attacking people unprovoked like the Phoenix cops who attacked a deaf man with cerebral palsy.
shareThat body slam looks like excessive force to me. I don't approve of body slams since there is the risk of someone hurting their head. Cops should use less force if they are dealing with a 120 pound woman or a senior citizen. That AG will have to answer to the voters. The old guy is crazy since he wanted to go to jail instead of signing the traffic ticket. * video of incident *
He was being uncooperative and belligerent.
He did say that he was ready to go to jail and then proceeded to put his hands on the LEO.