BREAKING: United States to provide another $725-million to Ukraine..
Joe you fucking fool!
shareGood news. Russia is falling apart and Ukraine is fighting for its freedom. All people who support Russia are in favor of genocide and child kidnappers.
Slava Ukraini! The Kyivan Rus capital will always be Kyiv. F off Russian bots! * Russia war crimes in Ukraine * * Russia war crimes in Syria *
Who supports Russia?
You asshats keep throwing around the word "genocide" but as usual, have no idea what it means.
Ukraine is a much smaller nation than Russia so it depends on foreign assistance in order to defend itself. People who want to stop aid to Ukraine are supporting Russia.
Mike Johnson has received aid from Russian oligarchs and he has recently decided to stop the assistance to Ukraine.
Several organizations have condemned Russia for genocide against Ukraine. The US House condemned Russia's kidnapping of Ukrainian children as genocide and the Council of Europe condemned Russia's destruction of Ukrainian cultural sites as genocide.
It's amazing that congress never has money to deal with things like the border wall, fighting homelessness, keeping states funded for natural disasters, or even keeping the infrastructure up; and yet they always are able to shell out billions for one of the most corrupt countries in the world that has massive money-laundering operations over there. Go figure.