MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump foreign policy thread #1 - Ukraine

Trump foreign policy thread #1 - Ukraine


Whats Trump going to do about Ukraine ? currently Ukraine is being propped up by supplies and weapons from a variety of western countries , which is pissing Russia off more and more

"Biden is Starting WW3 to make me and Dad look bad" yells DTjnr

Its alright yelling that stuff from the sidelines when you're not in power , but what when they are?
Why *is* NATAO helping Ukraine?

So Trumps options are :
1) - withdraw all support and money and guns (after all its not US's job)
2) - continue as is supplying and helping
3) - negotiate some sort of mutual peace treaty

#3 is what Trumps been bragging about, Trump claimed at the start of the war he could sort it out in an hour with a phone call.
The reality is of course he cant , so the options are 1 or 2

Which would you like to see him do?


Putin don’t want war. They give the US heads up every time the fire a rocket. They have a clear red line that Ukraine will not join NATO.
Pretty sure Trump and Putin could end the war over a few beers.
It’s the Jew DC beltway Zionist Blackrock weapons complex that what this to escalate.
What is worrisome is that Trump now stacks his cabinet with Jew Zionist Fucks that do not serve the people but their employer Israel & Jew Blackrock.


And by sorting it out, that means Trump just bending over for Putin.


I really hope someday you decide to come back to Earth, and join the real world once again.


So what do people think should be the Ukraine policy?
I wanna hear from Democrats and Republicans

...because to me it looks like a no win situation whichever way it goes
dont help?
help " a bit" ?


I’m a conservative and no. 3 seems the only logical option on your list considering the cost of the war in money and materiel is unsustainable for the U.S. Ukraine’s offensive was completely incompetent and there appears no hope they can accomplish their stated goals in the war effort. Ceding territory to Russia in exchange for peace is detestable but I believe Russia would be unable to govern the hostile population in that territory which would slowly destabilize Putin’s regime and make Russia ultimately give in. It is a long term play but it requires no U.S. entanglement.


ah , so you mean maintain support until Russia agrees to only claim some territory , as opposed to leaving Ukraine to it , in which case Russia would take the lot ?

seems like the best that could be hoped for realisticly , and couls happen as soon as both parties ready to talk
I hope Zelenski has realised his "We will not cede an inch" stance isnt all that feasible
