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If you mean the powers that be = "We the People" ... Absolutely.



No, "We the People" give "them" that authority.



Are you stoned or just retarded?



You really think so?


You have to have reasoning skills of a Special Ed student to still believe in that J6 hype


16m votes... vanished in 4 years. Did not flip the other way.



If the final results do show that millions of fewer votes were cast for the Democratic candidate for President in 2024 than in 2020, what that indicates is that millions of voters made a decision not to cast a ballot, either not turn out at all, or not check the top contest.


That's 1 possibility yes. But I do not see any reason why those same people wouldn't show up. TDS runs deep.


It is also the simplest one.


No, the same people that were passionate of voting Trump out would be equally passionate to keep him from returning...

No fucking way that happened. Fake votes.


No, the same people that were passionate of voting Trump out would be equally passionate to keep him from returning

That depends on how strong their feelings were after 4 years after Biden/Harris in charge. People can change their minds, you know.

No fucking way that happened.

As previously said the simplest explanation is exactly as outlined.

Fake votes.

Surely in the most recent election it was, according to your conspiracy theory, a lack of fake votes?


Yes indeed, the powers that almost blew his head off wanted him back in power.



You realize that sounds like crazy talk right?


It really freaked me out that he got shot in his ear on Julius Caesars birthday and he probably is the Anti Christ and all you liberals helped usher him in by annoying us all for believing in all that Fake News political theatre.


You called me a liberal.

Go fuck yourself.


You sound like an election denier. Quit spreading conspiracy theories you traitor.



Then you’re a traitor.



i've read that 15 million people didn't vote, that doesn't happen, dems used the chaos of covid to tell us a senile old man who called russia "mexico" and zelensky "putin"... also called out the name of woman who had died in a car accident months before, did a debate so bad that van jones cried... got 81 million votes.

arrests need to be made.


Who exactly was responsible for the 'chaos of covid' though? How did things get so bad that this same old man won 81 million votes? Who was his predecessor again? Oh yeah, Trump.


Clinton - 65,853,514
Biden - 81,284,666
Harris - 74,118,950

nothing fishy about those votes at all. and I find it interesting that Joe votes end in exactly 666. coincidence?



the Beast was destroyed by MAGA! be gone with you foul creature!

technically Trump beat Biden as well because Joe forfeited the race.


666 is the number of the beast!

Fun fact: A fragment of papyrus discovered in 2005 is the earliest known version of the Book of Revelation's discussion of the number of the beast, and it gives the number as 616. As does the Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus manuscript, which dates to after the discovery of Papyrus 115...


Electoral College = Rigged


Agreed, Dictator Joe stole the election with Electoral College votes.


Just like Trump did this time round? I must admit though, to an outside at least, that the College is a weird system which puts too much deciding power in just a few key districts. Matters ought to be based on the result of the popular vote.


Trump won the popular vote so he is the Real Presidentâ„¢ this time.


Everything about the 2024 election results confirms that they rigged and stole the 2020 election.


Everything about the 2024 election results confirms that they rigged

You will have to make your conspiracy theory more specific. The obvious question first is that, if 2020 was 'rigged' then why did they not, er, just do it again? As noted before: if millions of fewer votes were cast for the Democratic candidate for President in 2024 than in 2020, what that indicates is that millions of voters made a decision not to cast a ballot, either not turn out at all, or not check the top contest ... a simple and logical answer.


if 2020 was 'rigged' then why did they not, er, just do it again?

They tried and failed.

Your "simple and logical answer" is a BlueAnon conspiracy theory.


They tried and failed.

In which case we can look forward to all the impending electoral fraud cases based on a nationwide conspiracy, can't we. Er, can you link to any?

Your "simple and logical answer" is a BlueAnon conspiracy theory.

No, it is a sensible and simple explanation based on the way elections work. No conspiracy required.


Except that the 2020 election was riddled with statistical impossible irregularities and shenanigans.


And Trump failed to get any court decisions in his failure in over 60 cases, his claims generally being found without merit.


Except for the 24 cases where he did win. And it was 93 cases.


Except for the 24 cases where he did win. And it was 93 cases.

I think we have been through this before and as then you were unable to link to those 93 cases. But this is a new chance to.

Remember we are only talking about Trump's anti-democratic efforts, there are always minor, local, cases of fraud in every election but never enough to affect the overall result. Evasion will be noted, as last time. Go!

I will amend my original assessment of Trump's efforts in line with Brooking's detailed data: A failure, but not a wipe-out LOL


More propaganda; shocker.

And your evasion to do proper research for the truth is noted.


LOL Talking of evasion...


You should know by now that I don’t provide sources for shills or willful idiots that insist being spoon-fed.


You should know by now that I don’t provide sources

Unfortunately I do, but I thought I would suggest it anyway. Such things would substantiate your wild claims. By never offering anything by way of support they look weak.

shills or willful idiots

Oh dear.


Others on this forum are able to research my claims; that’s good enough substantiation.

Similar to when others claim something without sources, I can do my own research, unless it’s something I already knew.

The fact that anyone relies 100% on propaganda, demonstrates their lack of critical/independent thinking.


Others on this forum are able to research my claims; that’s good enough substantiation.

Translation: I still don't have substantiation.

I can do my own research,

Now is your big chance then...

The fact that anyone relies 100% on propaganda,

Which is why, here, I am relying on you to present the truth but..

Excuses noted.


It’s for others, not for you.

But your lack of critical thinking is still noted.


your lack of critical thinking is still noted.

Your lack of sources or any substantiation is still noted - something indeed it seems is for others but not for you.

I gave you a fair chance to prove things but was disappointed again, just as I expected. Thank you for playing and see you on the next thread.


Your need to be spoon-fed is still noted.

Your propaganda and fake sources are dismissed.

The establishment thanks you for being their useful tool.


To those who say, "Oh, sure, you accept THIS election because your candidate won."
I accept this election because at no point did the ballot counting stop and the people responsible for counting ballots get sent home.
I accept this election because there were no reports (or videos) of mysterious white vans appearing at polling places in the wee hours of the morning dropping off boxes of ballots with no chain of custody documentation.
I accept this election because I have seen not one picture or video of election officials using large pieces of cardboard to cover windows in order to block people's view of ballot counting.
I accept this election because I have not seen any videos of certified poll watchers being denied access to polling places.
I accept this election because I have not seen any video of election officials pulling boxes of ballots from under tables after poll watchers have been dismissed due to a broken water main. (Only to discover later that there was no broken water main.)
I accept this election becuase I have not heard any accounts of election officials breaking out into cheers when Republican poll watchers were kicked out of polling places.
I accept this election because Republican poll watchers were not told they had to stand 20 feet away from where ballots were being counted, while Democrat poll watchers were allowed unobstructed access to viewing ballot counting.
There are REAL and LEGITIMATE REASONS why many people question or have serious doubts about the 2020 election. This election was a repudiation of the 2020 election; it was a huge RESET. A correction. It's what SHOULD have happened four years ago!


Amazing, all these hearsay claims and not a single source, let alone a reputable one. Trump's side tried over 60 cases in court to argue the election fraud and lost nearly all of them. their claims being 'without merit'.
