MovieChat Forums > Politics > Have you ever been a victim of racism?

Have you ever been a victim of racism?

My background: I'm an American of Filipino descent. I was born and raised in a big city in the U.S.

In terms of overt racism, I have been a victim of racist slurs or stereotyping by Black and Latino offenders.

In terms of more "hidden" racism, I may have also had microaggressions committed against me by White and fellow Asian people. Such as people assuming I was not born in the U.S. or whatever.

I'm am interested in EVERYONE'S experiences, though.


Such as people assuming I was not born in the U.S. or whatever.

This is not racism.


Perhaps not to you, but it's what is known as a "microaggression". Some people may find it a little...offensive? Even though it's not intentional.


Its not aggressive to assume where someone is from. Not even a microbit.


I think it depends. Innocent curiosity is fine, but if you assume someone isn't from the country simply based off their skin color (without even knowing their accent or anything like that), and have a problem with it, I would call that a type of prejudice (and I think this can apply anywhere, even in countries with mostly the same race)


A microaggression? Even if there were such a thing, assuming someone who looks different is from somewhere else is not racist or aggressive.

Resist the indoctrination into victim culture.



Victorhood over Victimhood.


Microaggressions aren't real...they only exist in the mind of the one who thinks they have been "microaggressed" on.

You have no idea what the other person was thinking or what their previous life experiences have been. You are just assuming shit.


Does it not just sound like a failed attempt by weak minded people to adapt to reality? Actual. Real. Life. Where some asshole might say or do something you don't like. Maybe by accident, maybe on purpose. Oh the horror, WORDS!!!


Most racism isn't intentional. I agree that assuming you were born elsewhere is racist since it's based on a stereotype.




When I was young, moved into a very waspy neighborhood and, believe it or not, being catholic was a little iffy.

From that I extrapolate what it might be like to an actual racial minority. Only a dim approximation. We weren't poor.


Yeah, I see what you mean. Even something like religion can make you be "othered". Thanks for the input.



I'm personally not that bothered by it now...the slurs and microaggressions have happened years ago during my teenage years when we were all dumb. It's actually a very rare occurrence nowadays that I'm a victim of racism. Overall I do agree with your post, though.


Yeah I've been called a white cracker a few times. I just laugh it off.


I once went to a job fair for a well known retailer and the person i had a quick interview with said to me "you have a lot of good experience, but we are looking for women or minorities for this role." Sexism and Racism all rolled into one.


Yes, I was called a "cracker" in school, multiple times. These were the days before social justice, so I just cried myself to sleep, worried about the world accepting my inherent whiteness. Praying someone never misgendered me too. I couldn't live with that level of violence.

Seriously, who gives a fuck?


Like I said to someone else, I'm not too bothered about it and this happens rarely. I made this topic for people to share their experiences.


Have you noticed all these are replies are from right wingers denying to your face that racism exists, as if your own experiences didnt happen.

They often cite the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as being the end of the matter


I'm sorry we are breaking your White Savior Complex style racism. We know you hate it when we free your slaves.


No one did that. Any of that. YOu are lying.


Yep, I noticed that.


Who denied racism exists?

If your ideology is wholly dependent on lies for its perpetuation, then it ain't much of one.


As a white man, I am subjected to racism everywhere I go; I do not get jobs I am qualified for because I am a white man. I am blamed for every terrible thing that's ever happened in the history of the world because I am a white man. I am even blamed for peoples' individual problems because I am a white man. I am then gaslighted by the media and academia and told that I am imagining all this and that I should shut up and enjoy my riches and privilege that I have apparently misplaced because I have never found either and been able to use them.


I believe people are basically irrational and stupid and I forgive them for making me their personal scapegoat.


I agree that White people may be blamed a bit too much. They - and everyone basically - should be also be included in DEI efforts.


Or just trust the average person to be a decent human being and consider who they hire based entirely on their qualifications.


DEI should be flushed down the toilet where it belongs.
