MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why does robocat hate Trump so much?

Why does robocat hate Trump so much?

He seems to be personally determined to destroy Trump's reputation. I guess it's because he can't handle the fact that Trump has been an extraordinary famous individual and is one of the wealthiest people on the planet.


TDS is real. I've encountered real-life Robos. Scary people.


TDS affects people differently but in his case, it seems personal for some unknown reason.


Paid troll.

I feel like the Columbo or Robert Stack of MovieChat.

Next mystery?


He's an awful human being who's despised by the majority of people. The history books won't be kind to this man. Also, He's wealthy, but I'd wager that every relationship in his life is dependent on his money and wouldn't exist without it. Even his own wife clearly despises him.

That's not a life I'd envy, but to each his own.


And since he was already wealthy, they couldn't compromise him or buy him off.

He is one of a very few politicians that lost money while in office.


Remember that the democrats are now the party of the wealthy, so they will not be impressed by someone losing money.


Trump or Robocat?


Do you really need to ask? How would I possibly have any idea if any of those observations also applied to Robocat?


How do you feel about Trump though?


hahaha, After I read his first sentence I thought he was talking about robo, I should have stopped reading after that.


I wasn't sure either. Robo has admitted he lives in a bougie part of Massachusetts...


I live in the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles. I've posted this numerous times here. What's funny is that you're so stupid that you think that you know me from where I live.


Ohhh my mistake... You're a CommieFornian, now you REALLY make sense!!

I've posted this numerous times here.

Not knowing doesn't make me stupid. It displays just how little you matter. 🤣🤣🤣


Wow, shocking.


He's a drone that's been properly programmed by social media and the tv in how to think. They regularly open his head up to dump trash and turds in there in the morning. Nothing wrong with that 'bot a good baling at a junkyard wouldn't solve.


It's on welfare, so the state is its mommy and daddy. The state does not like trump so by extension the welfare baby does not like trump.


I'm not on welfare but I do get a check from the VA each month because I'm a disabled veteran and retired. The difference is that welfare is something to help the poor but I earned my VA benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, Cletus.


Wow, a disabled, retired veteran...and you're a complete fuck stick?

I'd thank you for your service...but nah, the military became better the day you left it.

Addition by subtraction... as they say in the sportsball world.


How much you want to bet he was disabled before he went in? They dont discriminate on disabilities. He was probably the equivalent of a Walmart greeter but at a national monument. IF he/it is telling the truth in the first place which it doesn't do on any other subject so why would it be different here?


Yeap, the military has a certain percentage of required civilian workforce.

It was probably something psychological or emotional which can be intermittent or faked.

Regardless of the type of disability, we would have been able to seek a waiver for it and still served in a limited capacity or a civilian role.


I see I'm living in your empty head rent free. That must be uncomfortable for you. I don't like Trump and I have fun posting articles that show how stupid Trump and his idiot supporters really are. If Trump is one of the most wealthiest persons in the world then why does he beg for money from his clueless supporters? I am a bit flattered though because you created a post all about me. 👍🏻


No, it’s because he’s a lying grifting convict


Do you know Robo well enough to talk about him/her/them like that?
