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I challenge anyone to logically defend school policies that punish victims.

The girl that was attacked by both other students and adults was suspended for three days for defended herself.











Why do schools have policies 99% of people disagree with?


Because the people in charge don't give a fuck about you or what you want. Indeed, they see you as the problem that needs....fixing.


I remember how they used to do things, and they probably still pull that shit today:

- kid gets bullied verbally for weeks, even months by a mean kid in school
- kid finally has enough and takes a swing at the bully
- bully is ready for it and screams at the teachers, "They're hurting me!"
- sometimes a fight ensues before the teachers (and sometimes security) can pull them off each other
- school doesn't want to be blamed by either set of parents for "playing favorites" so they punish both kids instead of just the bully
- if the bully is black, the white victim is punished far more severely (despite being the victim) because the administrators know they can get away with it, they give a very minor punishment to the black kid or none at all, and the black kid is right back to bullying the very next day
- only time they give the black kids a punishment even remotely close to what they deserve is when the crime is too big and been witnessed by too many people not to do something about the bully, and they end up in juvie for 5 minutes until their parents bail them out with the monthly welfare check

From what I can tell, it's only gotten worse since the 90s, since now these stupid, white, liberal teachers are too terrified of the very monsters they were protecting all these years to properly discipline them anymore.


Remember the white kid that was beaten to death by the mob of black kids?

Teh media initially reported it as a "fight" among "students".

A mob beating a kid to death, isn't something that comes out of nowhere. I would bet any amount of money that that school zone had been a warzone of feral animals and their victims for years before something happened that they could not ignore.

So, yes, I have ZERO doubt that since the 90s, it has only gotten worse.


Oh yeah. The black kids understand mob mentality well, particularly "safety in numbers." You don't ever piss off a black bully, because they will eventually find all their evil friends and gang up on you outside of school or in a place they know the adults won't protect you. It happened to me several times, particularly where black girls were involved. They're like wild dogs, and work in packs when necessary. One of their favorite types of victims are white kids who are alone all the time, because the kid doesn't have backup of their own, and have been trained not to seek out adults' help because the adults don't do jack shit, or are at work all the time.

You can imagine why the prisons are stuffed full of black people. That's what they're like as kids; bullies that hurt others before they get old enough to ditch school, join a gang (if they haven't joined one already), and get out the guns and knives.




Except in this case there is video proof that the girl was attacked just for kicks.


I know :( That's sick, attacking a single, unarmed girl and hurting her just for fun and because she's white.

Makes you wonder if these monsters realize they're no better than the white gangs that used to bully their grandparents and great-grandparents back in the day.


This is an ass backwards level of thinking.. You should be allowed to defend yourself because we are not wired, we are not programmed to just sit there and take an ass beating without fighting back.. I 've had just about enough of this bullshit from the Left playing this "Victimhood" crap while it's everyone else's fault
