Now Trump confuses Hungary and Turkey
Admit he is demented.
shareWhoop dee fucking do.
shareTbf, this forum would have multiple threads quickly if Biden made that confusion.
Trumps grasp on political geography has always been laughable anyway though
With biden, it's clearly part of a well developed problem.
With Trump, not. As you say admit.
What do you mean not? Trump has made many ignorant geographical comments. His ignorance is the problem here.
NY real estate background. That's not a problem like Biden's mental decline.
shareHalf of the Republican voting bloc is just as demented, that's why he's still the GOP front runner. The other half know he's demented but as long as they feel they can get something out of him (tax cuts, targeting minorities, own the libs) then so be it.
share"targetting minorities"? LOL!!! What a retard asshole thing to say.
share"targetting minorities"? LOL!!! What a retard asshole thing to say.
shareIn all fairness to Trump, it can be hard to think when you're Hungary. When you get real Hungary all you can think about is Turkey. Sweet, savory Turkey.
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Trump is slurring his words and keeps confusing Biden with Obama. But let's not talk about his age.
shareYes he has dementia. Dementia will do that to you.