MovieChat Forums > Politics > Hamas Lives Matter

Hamas Lives Matter

So BLM came out in support of their fellow terrorist organization....Hamas.

Everyone ALWAYS reveal themselves... (Most if us already knew this, posting for posterity and the lefties).

BLM = WRONG SIDE of history!

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


BLM is basically a Marxist group so no surprise there.

These punks just want to side with Palestine to be edgy/trendy. If they actually had to spend some time in the Middle East, I think they'd be singing a different tune. From what I've read, a lot of the Muslims out there aren't keen on the whole "BLM" thing..


Netanyahu added that every member of Hamas should be considered “a dead man.”


No surprise since their group is terrorists themselves.


President Joe Biden referenced the "sheer evil" of Hamas' aggression. Turley specifically referenced statements made by college students, university groups and Black Lives Matter (BLM) chapters in the days since.

"The BLM and other statements obviously cause greater trauma for many in our community who are grieving those killed or captured in Israel," Turley wrote. "However, we should direct our efforts at assisting those who have lost loved ones in Israel rather than censoring others."

Censoring? lol You cant say White Lives Matter without the possibility of getting shot by blm.


Terrorists supporting other terrorists, what a shock, lol.


Atheists can deal with them.
