Who will join my atheist cult?
If you don't, you'll regret it.
sharelol you are a theist too? damn you were truly cursed with all the stupidity
shareThat makes me more of an atheist.
shareare the rules the same as the Elon Musk cult?
shareAtheism is a cult, just like any religion.
shareThe Satanic Temple?
shareWhat flavour Kool-Aid do you serve at gatherings?
Plus, are mass suicides optional or mandatory?
I kinda have a few books I want to be read before I ascend to my own planet or whatever.
Atheists don't exist. Make an agnostics cult if you must. Also pray whether you believe or not:
Jesus' Prayer
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have Mercy On Me a Sinner. Amen".
I'm already a member.
Signed, million man.