Incidentally, the lamestream media around the world failed to mention this at all. After all, you can't squeeze money out of a volcano or put regulations on it, right?
It's why we had an unusually wet winter in CA (and other parts of the world) and a record snowfall in the Sierras, in addition to unusually hot summers for the past 2 years.
So the very same scientists who you are referencing in these link are right? and therefore "see its not man made global warming!". but all these very same scientists you are referencing who have been monitoring the Tonga Volcanic eruption do research and all agree man made global warming is happening.
so which one is it?
-these scientists are revealing the truth and are doing good research!
-these very same scientists are lying biased and part of a left wing conspiracy
Which one is it? you are trying to have it both ways. also great now account for
-C02 levels doubling in the atmosphere in the last 150 years
-record temperatures in the last 20 years
-satellites monitoring heat dissipation seeing less leave earths atmosphere.
-debunk the greenhouse effect
-debunk cause and effect
I checked those articles and the only mention of any of the climate doctrine mentioned includes "depletion of the ozone layer." It's interesting that you gave a pass to a media that lied about what was causing our strange weather for the past 2 years, instead of admitting that something far more dangerous than humans caused a shakeup in weather around the world.
I hate to break it to you, but the whole "greenhouse" theory that was pushed in the 80s and 90s was never proven to be correct, nor is there any real data to support it...other than the usual junk science the news runs with. There is even a German paper that debunks the whole thing. Part of the problem with the theory is, the earth's atmosphere doesn't have a glass roof at the top. I would think you would have known that from your studies in school...or did you sleep through what little science the crappy public school system even bothered to teach you. You should also look into the "black body" area of thermodynamics concerning how earth is set up and now it relates to heat being gathered and radiated into space.
It appears, based on what this data shows, that water vapor has a greater blanketing effect than CO2 ever did. What are your climate officials gonna do now? Outlaw humidity and clouds? Good luck on that one. They will have as much success as they would regulating volcanoes.
1. i dont care what the media says. that has nothing to do with science
2. you dont know its far more dangerous. you dont understand climatology or climate change at all.
3. ohhh there was "a german paper that debunks the whole thing". sure there is..........
4. yaaa the atmosphere doesnt have to be glass to trap heat. various gases have different properties/. C02 absorbs infrared energy and remits it in all directions. including back to earth. rather than it simply rising and leaving.
5. yes both water vapour and c02 can both have an effect.
i like how you didnt give me one study, esp that "german one that debunks everything". its why i have actual scientists on my side and you have no one
You mean scientists paid by the govt. to cook the books to keep up the lie? Aww, you're so cute! Remind me again why Climategate was buried again?
Are you even a scientist yourself? Because if you were, you wouldn't be buying into this bullshit any more than the other real scientists the various governments of the world are trying to silence. And the German paper is one of many that has debunked the greenhouse theory that has been buried.
Are you even aware that our planet's climate has been changing ever since it first formed an atmosphere 3.6 billion years ago? The climate cult only changed the name because "global cooling" and "global warming" didn't pan out, so they put the new name in to fit their ever-changing lie.
And if you truly understood climate science, you'd also know that there were times in our earth's past that had very extreme changes that had nothing to do with industrialization. How do you explain that? Did the dinosaurs fart too much? Did ancient peoples burn too many wood fires?
And for the record, nothing we do in the first world is gonna fix the pollution problem until you tell China and India to stop burning coal and dumping toxic shit into our earth's atmosphere and oceans. And no, I don't want to hear about China's oh-so-great solar panel setup. If their solar energy was so great, why are they still burning coal and polluting? Never let the West or China's propaganda blind you, Bat Breath. It makes you look like a bigger fool than you already were.
-no various scientists of various fields of employments all doing their own research all pointing to the same thing. nothing was buried. emails of individuals dont change the entire feild. you can have individual evolutionists saing dumb things. this doesnt mean evolution isnt a fact.
-i am not a scientist, and nor are you. you are showing you do not understand anything on this topic. oh yes the "one german paper and many others!" that you cannot give me.
-how do we know the planets climate has been changing? oh yes the research of those climatologists and geologists! the very same ones you say are lying now. you choose to believe them when convenient to your narrative then claim they are government liars when not convenient
-all this information is available. the fact you are ignorant of it does not change it. but again you are referencing the work and findings of scientists who discovered the globes past climate swings. the very same scientists you now claim are lying. which is it? they are right about past temperatures and doing good accurate research? or they are govenremnt shills lying? past cliamte changed slowely, unless there was a catostrophic event like a large asteroid impact. from 70k-40k BCE the temperature changed one degree. from 1850AD-2023AD the temperature changed one degree.if you cannot understand why this would be far more impactful, without even inputting the fact now billions of humans live here in an extremely complex intertwined and dependent global economy that is extremely fragile. you are just frankly blind and uneducated.
-goal post shift. you dont even believe in climate change so why would we tell india or china to change anything?
where did i bring up china? how can "china propaganda blind me" when i never brought it up? you have imagined and fabricated this whole scenario about me and what i think about china in your mind. are you talking to someone about your issues?
Can you name each and every one of these scientists? If you can (which I doubt) I'll happily show you who exactly they work for based on their backgrounds. They're nothing but shills, Bat Breath. You give me all the papers that support human-caused climate change, I can prove each one is being funded by government and WEF agencies that don't give a damn about anything but squeezing money out of the average taxpayer.
Projecting, are we? You say I don't know what I'm talking about when you're the one saying all the same things as the Climate Cultists online. You can't even write your own script on these points. You just repeat what social media tells you to think instead of looking it up for yourself. I remember you mentioning "data over the past 20 years." So 20 years of climate data supports the narrative, eh? I remember many of those biased graphs as well, which were key in showing that the books were cooked in "Climategate." They only showed data from the 1970s to now, completely ignoring climate data from over the past 100 years, or even beyond that. You would be seen as a fine student of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals; accuse the other side of what you're doing.
You really need to quit calling everyone what you are yourself: ignorant. You happily swallow the data they tell you to believe on tv or on popular websites instead of looking into it yourself. If you truly had looked into it, you would know there's a difference between PALEO-climate scientists, and regular climate scientists. The fact that you can't tell the truthful ones from the liars shows how low your intelligence and high your ignorance truly is. You'd believe the moon was made of cheese if the the govt. and social media told you.
Climatology is a science, not a religion. There is nothing to "believe in," unless you're part of the Climate Cult. The fact that you can't tell the difference between the two reveals who the real ignorant one is in this conversation.
I brought up China and India because morons like you conveniently ignore the horrendously bad pollution those two countries do in favor of constantly demonizing America and Europe. Either you don't know, don't want to know, or are trained to suddenly go blind and deaf when told about their crimes against the environment. I've had this conversation with others, and was anticipating a possible comeback about China's supposed "solar panels" project. Evidently you couldn't even be bothered to look that up.
So therefore, I see no reason to continue this conversation, because you can't fix stupid, and you, sir, are one of the more broken brains I've run across on this website. Toodles.
i am still waiting for her to provide as they said the
German paper that debunks the whole thing. Part of the problem with the theory is, the earth's atmosphere doesn't have a glass roof at the top. I would think you would have known that from your studies in school."
ahh yes that one german paper that debunks everything. or that gases cant affect heat leaving the atmosphere because the atmosphere would have to be a "glass roof" to stop heat leaving.
and she actually believes she is knowledgeable and knows more than scientists
i need to name the 10s of thousands of climatologists and other scientists who work in related feilds like geosciences? you are going to show me how 30k+ scientists are all lying corrupt paid for shills? you dont know how research is even done and you are going to show me all that. sure you will. right after your prove the sasquatch is real.
- no that is the data from the last 20 years. the fact you are trying to smear it as one big conspiracy doesn't change it. again where is your "one german scientists paper from the 90s that disprove everything". the fact you said that shows you dont understand science. yes the UK scientists are all manufacturing data that shows 10 of the hottest years on record in the last 150 happened since 2000.
-you do know paleoclimatologists also agree with man made climate change dont you? please demonstrate "the truthful ones" who side with you.
-climatology is a science. your opinion doesnt change that
-where did i ignore them? the fact i didnt talk about everything you want to doesnt mean anything. i didnt "look it up" because that had nothing to do with the conversation. it your your mentally ill projection
i suggest you talk to someone about your serious issues
If you truly had looked into it, you would know there's a difference between PALEO-climate scientists, and regular climate scientists. The fact that you can't tell the truthful ones from the liars shows how low your intelligence and high your ignorance truly is. You'd believe the moon was made of cheese if the the govt. and social media told you.
while there is a PHD in climatology, like paleoclimatology, most of the research is done by other earth scientists in other disciplines. paelo climatology is made up of Paleobiology, Paleoecology and Paleobiogeography. which are they themselves interdisciplinary fields that combines the methods and findings found in both the earth sciences and the life sciences.
in other words no the scientists engage in paleo climatology are not distinct and separate from climatologists and the other earth scientists working in climatology. these fields are massively connected. the fact one went into the past doesn't mean it magically disconnects from today simply because they may use different research methods to collect data.
I can't get one single answer out of them: If the west obey everything these climate zealots want us to... what is their plan to stop Russia, India, and China?
"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan
In fact, the most logical series of events is that that your posts haven't been thought provoking enough for me to look at your replies. If you care to link me to the thread, I'll take a look and see if it's worth the effort.
Edit: Oh wait I sorta remember you... you're the one questioning people's credential's while supplying none of your own...right?
"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan
oh so you know i havent shown your points are wrong but you also havent read them.
Edit: Oh wait I sorta remember you... you're the one questioning people's credential's while supplying none of your own...right?
yes i am not the one claiming all the experts who actually do scientific research are wrong. that is you. so you have to show your work. you have the burden. oh wait you cant see the difference? you are really that uneducated?
if you claim evolution is wrong and i say all the evidence points to it in multiple fields of scientists and all biologists agree it is correct. if you say no it isnt, i dont have to provide my credentials. you have to show why they are all wrong and why you have knowledge and expertise in the field.
see the difference yet? you will get there one day.
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The second-largest volcanic eruption of this century, and by far the largest eruption to affect a densely populated area, occurred at Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines on June 15, 1991.
We had extended "June Gloom" in Southern California for two summers after that.
You see, a hallmark of real science is, it's ever changing. Our data we've been gathering on the earth's climate (and this can apply to any science-related discipline, to be honest) has been changing for over two centuries, as new discoveries are being made, both past, present, and in the future.
The trouble is, the subject gets muddled in what is called "junk science," or "popular science," fake science and erroneous "facts" that have been dumbed down and transmitted by tv shows, news, video games, and even popular literature. It's what gave rise to myths like, "Don't sneeze with your eyes open, or your eyes will pop out and roll on the floor," or "The Earth is a perfect sphere," or "Humans only use 10% of their brains" (hinting the unspoken idea that they are either very stupid, or if they could, they would unlock psychic potentials hidden inside).
Even worse, you now have this "absolutism" belief that's gaining traction in modern society, and honestly, it's the death knell of real scientific discovery. (Russia had this very same problem after the Soviets took over).
The phrase, "the science is settled" is wrong, because science is never truly settled. A fine example of this were medieval doctors that stubbornly clung to the same old beliefs of the Four Humors and specific medical treatments for centuries, refusing to listen to any new ideas the more curious and innovative doctors discovered. What you ended up with, were more patients dying or getting hurt by their own physician than what the disease/injury could have done. It wasn't until someone finally said, "I'm not doing it this way anymore, there must be another way," that medical science was able to move forward during the Age of Discovery.
A real scientist always questions everything people say is "true" and "factual" in the scientific world, and investigates. If they're taking money to look the other way and lie about their experiments, than they are not true scientists anymore, and little more than paid shills for powerful people who are using science to push an agenda.
• One of the lead authors of the declaration, atmospheric physicist Richard Lindzen, has called the current climate narrative “absurd.” Yet relentless propaganda from grant-dependent academics and agenda-driven journalists has generated a widely accepted narrative that the science is “settled.”
• Geologist, Prof. Ian Plimer: “No one has ever shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming… You would have to show that the 97% of emissions which are natural, do not drive global warming. Game over. We are dealing with a fraud.”
Geoengineering Climate Change Agenda by manipulating and modifying weather and climate:
They have been using cloud seeding, chemtrails, spraying particles in the atmosphere along with other techniques that are been used to manipulate the public to say that there is a global warming problem via the Hegelian Dialectic: in order to create a major change you need to have a problem/crisis (global-warming) and then offer a solution (implementation of sustainable development WW based on A-21).
All policies, implementations, and mandates created via the UN’s Global Agenda-21/Agenda-2030 plans.
It is the blueprint to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, and all human beings in the world.
2.5. Effects of Humans on Climate Change
The IPCC argues that carbon dioxide coming from industrial plants controls the air temperature [16,17] (see Section 3.5). Certainly, deforestation, logging, agriculture, and urbanization have altered the albedo on land, but these changes do not produce sufficiently large temperature changes to be significant when compared with the quantity of solar radiation reaching the surface of the Earth. They may, however, cause substantial changes in precipitation, as in the case of Costa Rica, where deforestation of 85% of the rain forest resulted in a reduction in precipitation of c.30%. There is a marked difference between the warming of cities by the heat island effect and the rural areas of the northern hemisphere, which have not shown marked warming during the last 10 years
It's worth considering the information in the various articles and videos I included throughout my replies in that thread (and no, these have not been successfully “debunked”). I'm concerned ideology and self-interest have derailed honest climate research, especially if we're headed back into a naturally occurring glacial period, plus a pole shift, for which there are indicators.
I'm weary of discussing it myself because people just play games and don’t want to take the proper time and effort required for genuine science-based discourse. I’m tired of being attacked, or the source of the information dismissed, only to then be accused myself of such via dishonest projection, instead of civilly counterpointing the information itself. Especially when they don’t want to take the time to even read/listen to that information, offering inane excuses as to why it’s not worthy of their precious time, and aren’t prepared to consider that they may be incorrect. I am not a Conservative, or an ideologue of any flavor, which should be clear by now to anyone familiar with my history on this board, but that should be entirely irrelevant. It’s frustrating when people resort to childish tactics to avoid considering they may have been duped and need to course-correct. Everyone must come to their own conclusions, but we can only do that by exposing ourselves to all possible information and viewpoints.
There could be a kernel of truth buried amidst all the belief-based, politically-charged muck. It's why I adhere to the Feynman way of thinking. We should always put assertions to the test. Not only our own, but in particular those that are espoused as a prevailing authoritative narrative, and especially those involving countless predictions that have never come true, "verified" via peer-reviewed groupthink, and/or that were never validated with repeatable results produced by experimentation.
I have something else to contribute, and it's about deforestation too.
Do you remember when everyone was pushing the whole "ethanol" fuel craze? They acted like it was going to be "the car fuel of the future," "the miracle fuel," that "burns clean." Well....there's a reason nobody has heard about it since the late 2000s.
It was discovered that ethanol actually burned out car engines far faster than gasoline ever did, because it burns hotter than petroleum. It didn't pollute any less than petroleum either when burnt. I have a feeling people got mad over having to buy a new car every 3 years instead of every 5-10.
But it also contributed to local environmental changes as well. Many farmers were buying into the idea of selling corn to make money from ethanol plants, because the chief source of ethanol is ear corn. So a ton of farmers all over the Midwest were planting huge fields of corn and clearing out forests, all in the name of money and "environmentalism."
When the ethanol pipe dream went bust, the only outcomes were bad ones. You basically had a ton of useless corn that was worth far less on the market because there was so much of it, companies making ethanol-burning cars went out of business, and CO2 levels in the air in parts of the Midwest went up because of the farmers getting rid of local forests whose original job was soaking up CO2, and the trees weren't there anymore.
So no, trying to improve the environment by using alternative ways isn't always the answer, particularly when someone is trying to sell you "clean energy" snake oil.
Wellll... not quite. It can definitely cause damage under certain conditions, but it's still very widely in use. In fact, about 98% of gasoline in use contains up to 10% ethanol. Ethanol makes up for the lead being removed decades back, helping with performance and combustion. It's formulated to prevent separation, which is where the engine damage can come into play. It's certainly not talked about anymore, but I suspect that's because it's now so commonplace that it just faded into the background. The next time you get gas, look around the pump. It most likely displays ethanol content.
I do agree with you, however, that many well-intended but misguided attempts to manipulate perceived environmental problems have ended up causing more problems. For example, some plants and trees need regularly occurring fires (possibly naturally-produced via lightning strikes) to thrive, and there have been attempts in areas to curtail such fires that ended up devastating the very environments they were trying to "save". And yet, it turns out, the locals had been intentionally setting burns for the very reason that it greatly enhanced growth and production.
Mankind has a habit of trying to play Mother Nature without fully understanding consequences.
What I find absurd is that the Left used to stand against deforestation practices. But now many of them seem to be in favor of plowing down thousands of acres of forest, or devastating natural oceanic environments, to make way for ineffective windmills. To really veer off topic, they also used to heavily promote color-blindness, and yet now all some see is race, judging people by the color of their skin instead of the content of their character. Martin Luther King Jr. must be rolling in his grave. All that progress, and now massive social backsliding in the name of "progressivism".
Never believe or disbelieve. Always question. Rebuke bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
I'll take a look at the pump next time I need to refuel. I usually pick the lowest grade that isn't diesel because it's the cheapest. At least that explains what fuel companies did when lead couldn't be used in their gasoline anymore. There's even a chapter in "Cosmos" about it, how the major corporations fought tooth and nail to keep lead in products back in the 60s, can you believe that?!
That's a big problem in California right now, because the state had naturally occurring wildfires long before humans showed up, and sadly, many houses and businesses were built during the nicer seasons, with the people totally unaware that they'd set up their structures in the path of the wildfires that would come in each year. It wouldn't surprise me if they're having problems with the local trees slowly dying off because the seed pods can't germinate right without some extreme heat to break them open. Muir Woods, at least, does controlled burns periodically, but those are very risky, even under the best circumstances. I read a story a local told about how they used to have lots of sawmills up in the Sierras that helped keep down wildfire danger because they could turn dead trees into mulch, and prevented bark beetles from infesting the area. But of course, greenies from the city accused the sawmills of "devastating" the forest and chopping down too many trees, so the sawmill count has been reduced over the years. Part of the reason we have more wildfires now is because of forest neglect, as well as arsonists being paid secretly by the govt. to set fires and push the idea that "climate change" is causing it.
I've heard some horror stories about windmill farms, mostly from animal enthusiasts and people living in neighborhoods nearby. They have complained about the windmills being noisy, the jet engine that never ends. Animal enthusiasts are upset because windmills have a history of killing thousands of bats and birds, depending on the time of day. Others have pointed out that the processes and resources needed to build windmills can cause pollution too, and the windmills aren't a reliable source of energy because the wind is not constant at ground level (unless you live in the mountains or the high plains).
That's the interesting thing about the "colorless society" propaganda. It appears it was only targeted towards white people, because none of the other ethnic groups got the message at all. Now the govt. is using the same tactic Mao's people did to divide the locals and pit them against each other while the communists take over behind everyone's back. And because America is so diverse and has so many historical grudges, it was easy to pit all non-whites against white people.
Stuart A Harris' article raises an important question that peer reviewed research has been answering for decades: What causes climate change, changes in human activity or changes in solar radiation? One may assume the majority of climate scientists agree that climate change shares a causal correlation between both, but the former is a greater cause than the latter. Indeed Tom Wigley published his findings in 1988: "The potential climatic effects of cyclic, radius-related irradiance changes are evaluated giving a range of global-mean temperature fluctuations of 0.2–0.3°C over the past 300 years. For the past 10,000 years, the recent glacial chronologies of Röthlisberger (1986) are compared with the 14C anomaly curve of Stuiver et al. (1986). The agreement between times of major 14C anomaly and times of globally-advanced glaciers (i.e. cool summers) is shown to be statistically significant. The implied reduction of solar irradiance during times of maximum century-time-scale 14C anomaly such as the Maunder Minimum is shown to be around 6 Wn-2, equivalent to a net radiative forcing change of about 1 Wm-2 at the top of the troposphere. If another major 14C anomaly began early in the 21st century, the associated solar perturbation would be of considerable importance, but still insufficient to fully offset the projected warming due to future greenhouse gas concentration increases." (
But back to Stuart Harris' findings: 1) his article was published eight days ago (3 August 2023), 2) one would expect more than eight sources in his bold assumption, "There seems to be no connection between carbon dioxide and the temperature of the Earth", 3) he does cite evidence to support his findings such as, for example, a case study on the impact of deforestation in Costa Rica but it will be interesting to see how it stacks up against other case studies, 4) on a side note, MDPI has been accused of predatory publishing [cont]
(but I'm happy to give Stuart Harris the benefit of doubt and assume that the peer review process was conducted properly for this article), and 5) now his article has just been published, it will be interesting to see how it will be critically evaluated in other journals over the next 12 to 24 months. Will his research establish a new theory that climate change is in fact primarily or exclusively caused by solar radiation? Or will his article join that body of literature that rejects anthropogenic climate, estimated to account for no more than three percent of climate scientists? I'm happy to revisit this thread then and see what the updates will be.
On the other hand, John Stossel's video is an absolute joke. Judith Curry hasn't published any peer reviewed research since she quit academia in the mid-2000s ( I also find it hard to believe her claim in this video that the peer reviewed journals will stonewall you if you don't accept the prevailing theory of climate change as opposed to considering your submission for its individual merits (see point 2 about Stuart Harris). It's far-fetched for her to claim that it was easier to get rich through her past career in academia when she collects $400 an hour in consultation fees from fossil fuel companies. Where John Stossel really shoots himself in the foot is how he mentions Climategate almost 14 years later when researchers were cleared of any fraudulent conduct within a matter of months (
I appreciate the thoughtful reply from someone with a different viewpoint for once! You do seem to put too much faith in the peer-review process, though, and I'd suggest you reevaluate that mindset. Not that it doesn't have value and isn't an important factor. Being peer reviewed can generally elevate papers above those from lone rangers forging their own path. But it should also be approached with greater scrutiny and is rendered questionable if the peers doing the reviewing are of like mind and/or are in positions of authority, as opposed to those with differing perspectives.
But producing repeatable results through experimentation is paramount. No testable, reproducible results, no science. Until that’s accomplished, all a peer-review indicates is an insubstantial, untested agreement between colleagues. And unfortunately, this is one discipline with little in the way of diverse viewpoints (at least, that aren’t shut out), which is why I tend to focus on outliers (even if questionable) that go against the grain. String theory is another area that suffers the same problem, with many researchers stuck in the trap of needing to maintain their livelihood, garner continued funding, etc., among other pressures that invariably warp research in favor of self-interest.
Having said that, I wouldn't call the Stossel video a joke, but it is lacking, the entire story needing extensive further validation, and is clearly designed to present a specific narrative. But it's a devil's advocate narrative, so I have interest in it, i.e. I would agree neither with a knee-jerk reaction of outright dismissing it, nor fully believing it.
The Harris paper holds more weight, given its source and nature, but like you suggest, it's new and time will tell how it holds up. I wish I had access to the full paper to further dissect it, and I’d really like to see testable aspects defined, along with the output of any past and future experiments (otherwise, it’s just as nebulous as any ideas it opposes), although I've seen a number of other sources that form similar conclusions espousing plausible details.
But again, if an authoritative community summarily dismisses it, or just ignores it, without honestly scrutinizing its suppositions and attempting to validate any testable elements, it should be a red flag (even if the paper itself is junk science). It's a shame that the matter has been so infested with politics, powermongers, and money-grabbers that it’s tainted, even if just in appearance, any genuine research, especially any that's broadly portrayed to the public.
the work of science has nothing--to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.
I would remind you to notice where the claim of consensus is invoked. Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough. Nobody says the consensus of scientists agrees that E=mc2. Nobody says the consensus is that the sun is 93 million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to speak that way.
This fascination with computer models is something I understand very well. Richard Feynmann called it a disease. I fear he is right. Because only if you spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen can you arrive at the complex point where the global warming debate now stands.
Never believe or disbelieve. Always question. Rebuke bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
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In my paper, we didn’t bother to study the influence of these other obviously relevant factors. Did I know that including them would make for a more realistic and useful analysis? I did. But I also knew that it would detract from the clean narrative centered on the negative impact of climate change and thus decrease the odds that the paper would pass muster with Nature’s editors and reviewers.
This type of framing, with the influence of climate change unrealistically considered in isolation, is the norm for high-profile research papers.
To put it bluntly, climate science has become less about understanding the complexities of the world and more about serving as a kind of Cassandra, urgently warning the public about the dangers of climate change. However understandable this instinct may be, it distorts a great deal of climate science research, misinforms the public, and most importantly, makes practical solutions more difficult to achieve.
The media, for instance, should stop accepting these papers at face value and do some digging on what’s been left out. The editors of the prominent journals need to expand beyond a narrow focus that pushes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. And the researchers themselves need to start standing up to editors, or find other places to publish.
I’ve been arguing this for many years about the wayward direction this sector of study has veered off into. It’s no longer about science. Without repeatable output from persistent experimentation, it’s not science.
Never believe or disbelieve. Always question. Rebuke bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
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I recommend everyone watch that video, denier, skeptic, and believer alike. She provides a truly reasoned, measured, logical mindset that both sides of the uber-tribed-up ideological aisle are woefully absent of these days.
Firstly I applaud you for referencing NASA, a reliable authority on climate change. I've seen too many posts referencing authors, organisations and publications that have no academic credentials in the field of climatology. But it's always encouraging when I see someone posting a link that ends with .edu or .gov as either the author(s) are authorities on climate change themselves or can be assumed to be held to professional standards to ensure that they are accurately referencing reliable authorities. But regarding the two links you posted from NASA, I don't think the purpose of the studies was to rule out a causal relation between climate change and natural disasters or extreme weather events; it's a given that natural disasters and extreme weather events have always occurred but rather research tells as that their frequency and severity are worsening due to climate change (
Regarding your point about the concept of four humours in medicine, I think (by modern definition) it has always been a pseudoscience as there was never any reliable methodology of collecting empirical evidence about the four humours in the first place. On the other hand in the field of medicine germ theory had replaced miasma theory by the time Louis Pasteur published his findings. Rather (before Pasteur) we should call them competing hypotheses, not theories, for the reason that scientific methodology involves you and your fellow researchers doing everything you can to rule out a hypothesis through quantitative and qualitative analysis. If your hypothesis stands this test, then it becomes a theory. With the advances in microbiology in the 19th century, miasma theory was discredited and to this day, germ theory remains uncontested in field of medicine. There are some concepts which might remain conjecture (as opposed to a hypothesis to begin with) in that there is not enough evidence to either prove [cont
or disprove its existence. But even then scientists agree that the concept is conjecture. For example, astrophysicists agree that to date, the multiverse remains neither proven nor disproven.
I absolutely agree that scientists (and researchers in any field) need to revaluate research and postulate new ideas so as to improve their disciplines. But sadly when a new theory is achieved (and the science is settled), researchers find their work (and often themselves) under attack by outsiders with ulterior motives. For example, creationists accused Charles Darwin of doing the work of Satan whereas in Nazi Germany, quantum physics was declared "Jewish physics". Even in the 21st century there are unscientific claims that contradict germ theory ( In the same vein, the fossil fuel industry has attempted to undermine research into climate change for more than four decades ( While climate change denial has failed to undermine the integrity of climatology as a discipline, the same cannot be said about the safety of climatologists themselves. In response to the so-called "Climategate" farce, Prof Phil Jones was cleared of any wrongdoing but still received death threats (
activity and global temperatures is inaccurate, we can say that climate science is settled with regard to anthropogenic climate change. After all, that's what NASA reminds us (
It's been a long time, but when I watched Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" IIRC there was one part where they were showing a map of Eurasia that was all black except for hot areas which were lighter and darker shades of red, and to me it looked like all of Siberia was on fire.
Volcanos produce more than that. And these are just 2 of the contributors. Humans produce and infinitesimal amount of co2.
The primary model behind the theory that co2 equals global warming is Venus. Venus’ atmosphere is 90x as dense as Earths, and is made up of 96.5% co2. Earths atmosphere is .04% co2. Of that 3.4% is produced by humans. Of that 15% is produced by the US. The theory of man made climate change is not science, it’s politics and religion.
"When he (Kepler) found that his long-cherished beliefs did not agree with the most precise observations, he accepted the uncomfortable facts. He preferred the hard truth to his dearest illusions, that is the heart of science" - Carl Sagan