MovieChat Forums > Politics > Pence has drawn a line in the sand...he ...

Pence has drawn a line in the sand...he will not support Trump ever again

He has said that the constitution comes first, and not Trump, who is not above the law and must be held accountable.

He's getting smashed on his twitter account.


Pence was basically cuckold by Trump. He allowed his wife to have sex with Trump in front of him. Now he is trying to regain the masculine dominance by banging his wife in front of Trump... like that somehow changes the dynamics when it just comes off as pathetic.


Are they all tweeting "Hang Mike Pence!!!!!!!!!" in all caps or something?


Mocking him for saying "as your president" with "you will never be president, pull out, you're embarassing yourself".


Pence is a phony Christian. Trump is the real deal.


Why do you think Pence is a phony Christian and Trump is a real Christian? Is there something specific Pence has done or not done to make you think that? Trump pushed forward policies that aligned with his conservative Christian base and nominated judges who he felt would support his agenda, so I understand why some may feel that he's one of them. But do you think that alone makes him a Christian and a good one at that? Or do you think it's deeper than that and his faith guides him through everyday life decisions?


I think this question contains more thought than Trump ever put into his faith.


But he still doesn't have the guts to denounce Trump by name.


He's walking a tight rope between opposing Trump and not being a swamp monster.


I have no idea what that means


Google the term walking a tightrope.


I think everyone got that part of your post , with it being a common expression , its the other bit thats not clear


I meant the "not wanting to be a swamp monster" part.


Rreferring to the D.C. political establishment as a swamp is also a common expression.

You should really have been able to figure out his meaning from context.


"That's not my concern"


Who cares?

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Pence made it clear that the USA is not his concern, so anything that he says or does is irrelevant.


I thought everyone was using 'Threads'?
